Thursday, April 22, 2010

Long Time No Blogging

My goodness what I terrible blogger I have been! There is many things to catch up on and I don't know where to begin.

The girls are doing great, driving me crazy and learning new things every day. Gabby has quite a personality and makes me laugh 99.9% of the time. She is 17 months old today and we are still nursing!!

She loves her food and is a wonderful eater, she's walking every where and loves her sisters so much, she follows them everywhere and wants to play with them and loves them so much.

She's pretty good at entertaining herself but loves to come up and give me a hug every so often. She isn't talking much but imitates and follows instructions really well. She's 19 pounds and 30 inches! She is still wearing 6-9 months clothes but the doctor said it's all good, she's a fire-cracker, a great eater and learning and growing right on target.

I hope to blog more often I and will post pictures soon!