Monday, July 27, 2009

KLUCK - U - Both & My 100th Post!

Well, today was spent going back and forth to Staten Island for Kai to go to school, getting more boxes from the house and running errands.

By the time we got back to NJ everyone was hungry so we used the navigator (appropriately named Georgia) to find a place to eat. I typed in food and a list of restaurants popped up.

KLUCK - U - Chicken was one of the names. I told Lou, he promptly told me, KLUCK - U. I repeated it back to him. While cracking up laughing we said it a few times to each other. After about 5 minutes, from the back, Emma yells - KLUCK U BOTH! Lou and were laughing so hard and she started cracking up. It felt so good, I don't remember how long it was when I laughed that hard. Out of the mouths of babes was never truer!

Internet is still not working properly so pictures and more posts will come shortly, I promise!

Technically it's really not my 100th post, thanks to blogger and my computer not getting along when it comes to adding pictures, slide shows and videos, but the log says "100" so I must pay tribute to that, considering I started in November that's pretty cool!!

"MOVING" Forward

Well it's moving time! It's been a long week of packing and preparing but we made it! I am so glad to finally be here. The first night was insane. We didn't get to bed until midnight, and by then we couldn't find some much needed items (TV for girls room), and we were all too exhausted to care. I put sheets on our bed, and put the girls in our room on the floor on their little sleep out couches and we spent the first night at our new address together in one larger (thank GOD)bedroom. It was perfect.

Everyone slept great. I was so happy and content that even Lou noticed (and Lou does not notice much - LOL), he even said to me the next day, you seem happier than you have been in a really long time, and I am!

Sunday was spent emptying boxes while Lou was at work, and even with one arm (because Gabby REFUSED) to be put down on the floor got several boxes emptied. I was so proud of myself. Don't get me wrong there are still more to be emptied, but considering we are only here 1 day it's pretty good.

I have high hopes and expectations for this week since Lou is on vacation! Much more postings to come and plenty of pictures (as soon as the wire is located and the darn internet is working properly).

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kailee Swimming

This was a great week! Lots going on and lots more to do. We had a fantastic playdate at Jaclyn's house and our first experience with a larger pool. The girls did great with swimmies and swim vests. Kai had another chance to strut her stuff at Denise & Tony's. She put her vest on and let go of me doing the doggie paddle! By the end of the pool season I'd say she's going to be pretty quick!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Bad Blogger

UGH! I've been terrible at blogging! It's been a while since I've posted and there have been lots of new things going on, but basically I just don't have the time to sit and type, and it's very rare that I have both of my hands available at any given time to to type.

Some quick little updates: Gabby has 4 more teeth, all on the top, all found at the same time, although we are still waiting for 2 of them to actually come out a bit more.

Yesterday we had a wonderful playdate and Gabby had her first experience of being in a pool and I am so glad to say she loved it. The girls did wonderful also, I thought they were going to be afraid of it being a 4 foot pool but they had a ball, Kailee had on swimmies and was letting go, and Emma felt perfectly safe enough to "swim" with her swim jacket on. It was a great afternoon.

We are moving in 6 days so of course that is where most of my time is going. PACKING!! I really can't stand it, and I'm looking forward to that part being behind us, I'm looking forward to the unpacking, but I am not looking forward to the "where should I put this" dilema. It took me a long time to get this house the way I wanted it and I am hoping that this is not the case again, but I'm sure it's going to be. There really isn't a deadline to have it all done, I'm not trying to be superwoman, nor am I trying to impress anyone, I want to do it right the first time, and my biggest goal is get rid of more stuff when I unpack, we just have way too much stuff.

My main goal is to make sure Emma & Kailee are the most comfortable and that their room is as homey as possible from the start, so that being said, when we move in on Saturday the first thing I will be working on is their room. We move on Saturday and then Lou works on Sunday so it's going to be a little difficult but I will make the best of it, and am determined to get it done, even though I know it may take a day or two.

We christened the twins last Sunday and had a great time! I love watching my girls enjoy themselves and interact with their family. It makes me so incredibly happy to watch them play with Nick and talk to Denise & Tony and snuggle up to Aunt Mary & Uncle Ralph, and joke around with Christina & Louie & Cousin Sister, and follow Alexandra, Lou Lou & Adrianna all around, they look up to them and it reminds me of when Michelle & I were younger. It's all so amazing and still after all these years of being a mom, it ovewhelms me at how they enjoy the simplest things. I wish I could remember that all the time.

Well it's time to feed my crew and start the packing for the day. The girls and I are head to NJ to clean and organize the boxes that are there already, the girls are going to be so excited when they find out that the TV is working in their new room today!

Lots of pictures to come in the next week or so!

Monday, July 6, 2009


We need to slow down! The past few days have been so busy and I am feeling the effects. I just don't have the stamina to keep up the busy pace so many days in a row anymore. School has only been out for three weeks and I already miss the simple pace of the everyday routine.

The past few days have been so busy and it's going to stay that way right through till the beginning of August once the move is over. I truly cannot wait.

We enjoyed a BBQ on the fourth of July and truly had a great weekend. Today is just a blah day. We have the twinkies Christening on Sunday and I can't wait!

Emma has been really giving me a hard time, pressing her luck, pushing my buttons and her limits. I'm looking forward to this phase being over, and think that she needs some time away from us because she is really used to having time to herself when she goes to school. She also likes to be outside and I really don't, aside from that Gabby is not at the best age to go and sit by the pool, she doesn't like to sit still and really shouldn't be exposed to the sun at this age. She's old enough for sun screen but her skin is so sensitive I'm afraid to put it on her, so it's just easier at the moment to avoid having her in the sun. We are also waiting for some blood test results for her as the dr is concerned that she hasn't gained a lot of wait, only 5 pounds since birth, but she is hitting all of her milestones way ahead of time and her weight is on par with the same as Emma & Kailee.

Today Gabby learned how to get down from standing, that really will make things easier, she also has turned around when she was called today, that's another good one cause calling her and her just going about her merry way was frustrating, today she stopped and came when called. She is also screaming and then laughs, waves goodbye, and knows that if she pulls Emma's hair she will turn around and make her laugh. I think she's getting ready to start clapping hands also.

Well she is screaming her head off right now for me to pick me up, and it's time to figure out dinner. Thank goodness bed time will follow.