Sunday, October 3, 2010

Many Things Are Different

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted. So say I'm busy is an understatement. The days all blend into one another and often I'm so tired I can't even sleep.

Now it's Fall. I'm so glad the fall is here! That's one of the big changes for me. I've forever been a fan of summer and all that entails, Heat. Humidity. Beach. Pool. Long Days. Long Nights. Laying on a towel listening to the radio. Sitting by the pool for hours with my favorite book. I used to live for all of those things, for those 3 amazing months out of the year, my favorite. Then it changed...

Emma came along and I still couldn't wait for all of those things to share with her but for her first summer she was only 2 months old, so I looked forward to the next year, then I was very very pregnant with Kailee.

That summer flew by and the following year I couldn't wait for the beach and the pool and the summer. Then I realized how not fun all those things were anymore in the same way I used to define fun. Now there was the OBSESSION with SUN SCREEN, not just any sunscreen, sunscreen so strong you were not getting a sunburn let alone a tan. And this included lotion for myself, another thing that I never even thought about before the girls.

Then came getting to the beach. OMG!! All the stuff to pack, the sand everywhere, the crying children, the BUGS, the food getting dirty, the danger of the children running in the crowd or towards the water.

The pool was a little easier, but the pool for me represented going in swimming a few laps and going back to my towel in the sun. Now it was about sitting in the kiddie pool only and having to stay in the water way past the time of being comfortable to chase the girls around the water. EXHAUSTING!!!!!!!!!! Then getting back home and all the wet clothes and the mess and the running around to get all the stuff washed and packed for dare I say another trip to the pool. Sigh.

I can't believe I have started to dread the things I loved just because they are not the same any more. Not to say that I will not one day enjoy them again but that they have changed what they represent and that I have changed the way I feel about it.

I love my girls so much and enjoy doing things with them but there is so much that goes into simple tasks.

On a more child update note:

Gabby is going to be weaned soon, I cannot believe I've been nursing for 22 months, and I will continue until her second birthday.

She will also be transitioned into her new big girl bed in her own room, and I'm considering potty training! My baby is growing up.

Kailee is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. She loves Kindergarten and we are blessed with Mrs. Palisay again. We are going to work to get her back into OT and if classification of her is necessary to get her the help she needs then that is what will be done, it can only benefit it, it cannot harm her.

Emma is growing way to fast. She is beautiful and smart and compasionate, but sadly she is a jealous little monster when it comes to "things". That makes me sad but I guess it's something we all go through and have to work on.

I will do my best to continue blogging and will even work on getting some pictures uploaded.