Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good Bye 2009

Another DECADE is coming to an end. I cannot really believe that it's been 10 years since we celebrated the turn of the century. I cannot believe we are starting the decade in which my children will most likely remember the most.

I wonder what the future will bring. I am not wishing for anything. I am not promising myself anything. I would like to try to live my life to the fullest, eliminate the negative and enjoy the positive. My children are the greatest gift from the decade that is ending tonight, and in the next decade I get to be the one that stands beside them or behind them or in front of them depending on what they need me to do, for that I am the luckiest person in the world, there is nothing else that I could need or want other than them!

I do hope that things get better and we have less worries this year. I pray for health for our parents, sibling, friends and relatives, 2009 was a rough year for much of my family and I am praying that God will shed some relief upon them.

The past year had many ups and downs, but that is part of life, there is nothing I wish did not happen or that I really want to change, because without those experiences I would not be where I am today, and I am happy and content with where I am today!!

I wish everyone and their family and friends a blessed 2010! Health is all we need and to keep our loved ones close to us!

Friday, December 18, 2009

3 Years

Time has passed by yet again. Three years ago I was starting on my devasation of experiencing a miscarriage, that week, the precious week before Christmas was horrible for me, but for my children, the ones I was able to hold in my arms and the one I had lost, I carried on and moved forward.

Three years. Time. Wonder. Sadness. Relief. I feel so much better today, 3 years later than I did last year at this time, or two years before than, it does get easier but you never forget, ever. Others might and that's okay, others might not appreciate this post but for me I cannot forget, ever.

I am sitting here in the living room watching Gabrielle play all by herself and I am filled with joy, she has completed me 100%, without the loss of my baby Gabrielle would not be who she is and for that I am thankful, beyond words.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Check Out Emma's New Smile!

Emma lost her first tooth today. Sadly, the tooth is lost, but I'm sure the tooth fairy will still come, she's going to be disappointed though not to get a tooth in return.

I'm wondering what the tooth fairy will bring, someone told me $10, HA, I say, not happening here. Do you think I can get away with a quarter like I used to get?

Monday, November 30, 2009

And another milestone in parenting has been reached....

Emma has her FIRST loose tooth. I feel as if my heart stopped when I discovered it, she is so excited but I feel so sad, she is growing so fast, I remember when she got that first tooth. It's so funny how she is so excited and I feel older with this new milestone.

Also, today, Kailee for the very first time, zippered her own jacket, 4 times!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Can It Be A Year?

I cannot believe with all my heart that one year ago I was in the hospital waiting to hold my baby girl in my arms. We didn't even know what we were going to name her! Time has flown by and I've tried with all my might to slow it down but have not had any luck.

Gabrielle Michelle has completely blown me away! She has filled all the missing pieces in my heart and has completed our family in a way that I could never have imagined. She is just incredible. I have without a doubt loved every single minute of her first year. I have taken time out to enjoy the good, the bad, the ugly, the smelly and the scary!


Gabrielle's First Thanksgiving


first pro pic

1 month/1st xmas
1 month Old


2 months
2 Months Old

3 months

3 Months Old



4 months

4 Months Old

5 months

5 Months Old




6 months
6  months old

7 months

7 months

8 months/1st 4th of July

4th of July

8 months

9 months

9 months

10 months
10 months

11 months/1st Halloween



Professional First Birthday Pictures





Sunday, November 15, 2009

7 more days

Gabby is 51 weeks old! I cannot believe it that one week from today we will be celebrating her 1st birthday. I am seriously in denial. Last year at this time I was so very pregnant and so very content and in no hurry for her to be born, I loved being pregnant with her and enjoyed every single moment of it. Now, one year later, I feel the same way, I am in no hurry for her first year to be over. I wish I could turn the clock back and have her teeny tiny little body in my arms again.

She is becoming and incredible little girl, fantastic daughter and incredible sister. I watch how she interacts with everyone so differently and happy she is 99.9%of the time. I hope that never, ever changes. She is funny, and intelligent, curious and content. She loves to play peek-a-boo, and color with the girls, she loves to snuggle and be chased around.

Yesterday she even fed herself spaghetti with zucchini on a fork all by herself. We put the food on the fork and she took it and put it in her mouth and then gave it back for more food.

She is cruising around, she is pushing things while she tries to walk but doesn't have the balance yet to walk alone, and that is fine by me!!! She gives kisses, and dances and comes when you call her, and says "what's that", and "hi" all the time. She is FOREVER smiling!!

This past year has been quite a ride, but she fit in perfectly and once she was here for a few months, I knew without a doubt in my heart that she was what was missing from my life, I am so happy, content and blessed beyond my wildest dreams or imagination to have been chosen to be the mother of 3 incredible girls!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Gabby's LAST FIRST Holiday

WOW. I really cannot believe that today is Halloween and Gabby's last first holiday, it's so sad. I really cannot grasp where this year went. It flew by, it's so hard to imagine and remember that I was still pregnant last year at this time. Sometimes I really miss it, and I really, really miss the newborn days but I know that my days of having a newborn in my house are behind me, and in only 22 days I will have a 1 year old, I can't believe it!!!

Here are some pictures from today:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Flying by Fall

Time is F-L-Y-I-N-G!!! I cannot believe that we are half way through October already, and how much things have changed. We are pretty much in a good routine with school, but I am still struggling a bit with the rest of my to do list and the time schedule that I have around pick up/drop off.

I have joined the PTA and have been chosen to be class Mom for Kai's class. I'm glad about it, but not sure what it entails. I have so much on my mind where Kailee is concerned, it's been a bit of a struggle with her lately. She doesn't cooperate with speaking when spoken to and is not participating in eye contact during conversations, she is even running away and pretending not to hear me when I call or her, or blatantly not listening and looking me right in the eye and disobeying me. I don't know what is going on with her and I am not sure how to proceed either.

I have not had much time for blogging, and I really miss writing as well as reading and commenting on all of the blogs that I have been following for so long, I am hoping to catch up and get back to participating.

We are in full swing of planning Gabby's 1st birthday party. Can you believe I just wrote that? Her first birthday, I am so sad about it, I don't want her to turn one, I have loved this past year with her so much, and I do love watching her grow and change and develop and interact, but let me tell you how much I wish I could have her newborn days back. She has brought so much to my life and to our family that I have trouble finding the words to describe how I feel.

Gabby has quite a reputation at school! She is known as smiley! EVERYONE knows who I am because of her, the assistant principal goes out of her way to see Gabby every time we are at school, and Gabby is always a willing participant to offer a huge grin. It is impossible for me to not smile when she flashes her grin!

We are all looking forward to Halloween, the girls have their costumes ready and are looking forward to the Boogie Bash and the parade at school. We will be trick-or-treating with our friends that live right near us and go to school with Kailee. We had a great play date last week, and I am really thrilled to have met someone who I get along with, and have tons in common with, it really makes this mothering much easier to have friends to talk to and lean on!

I really will try to blog more often!

Monday, October 5, 2009

It's been a while...

I have been a bad blogger of late! There is so much going on and not enough time to get it all done. I know I am not alone in feeling this way. The girls are in full swing at school, and although I am not used to the schedule, the demands, the running around, and the exhausting, they are doing great, which is all that matters.

We've also had our first bout of sickness! Emma missed school last Tuesday, and today, Kailee is home, sadly, Emma is home also because Kai feel too awful to go out and bring her to school, Gabby is sick too. What a bummer let me tell you!

We went to Brooklyn on Friday to see Michelle, the kids & Papa, it was great to see them all but too fast of a visit. Munya came home with us and spent the weekend for my birthday.

I had a GREAT birthday! It's been a really long time since I could say that. Lou did a great job with the presents, and Munya helped out and made it all perfect. The girls had a great time, and the best part is that we didn't go crazy and spend the days out all day we enjoyed time at home and just relaxed a bit.

I hope the girls are better soon, I hate when they are sick, although, I really don't mind them staying home today!! I'm a bad mom!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Can it be 10 months already?

I really cannot believe that my baby is 10 months old today. I remember when Emma was this age and I couldn't wait for her 1st birthday, even with Kailee I was so excited. This time around it's the complete opposite, I really just want her to be tiny again, time has gone so fast and I wish I could stop it!

Check out the above post (thanks to technical difficulties, yet again) for some month by month pictures of my little Gabby Goo!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kids Videos

Gabby loves the camera!

When I looked over at Gabby playing with her house, she was on top of the green step, of course, she got down as soon as I turned the camera on, but either way I love watching her play by herself.

Just like her sisters before her, Gabby LOVES being swung by Lou, me on the other hand prefers not to watch, but when I hear that laugh, it makes me smile!

Here are two videos from Emma, she talks about her school day and what she does, and sadly she describes a "LOCK DOWN DRILL" which they practiced on 9.11 this past Friday. It KILL me that this is the things that her days are filled with, and she also informed me after the camera was away, that they spend a lot of time learning about GERMS, washing their hands, and how to sneeze and cough properly. They are instructed to get up and wash their hands each and every time they sneeze or cough, in kindergarten they are able to do this, as their is a sink direclty in their class. Thanks to the SWINE FLU outbreak last Spring, they have to add this to the lesson plans and it makes me angry!

And last but not least, Kailee talks about her day..........

Monday, September 14, 2009

Everything looks better upside down!

Gabby is obsessed with being upside down! She will throw herself backwards and if you are holding and not prepared, look out! She can also push off of my chest and flip herself completely over! She will grunt until Lou turns around and looks at her, she loves to be upside down! Here are some pictures we were finally able to get of her enjoying her new position!

and finally stealing some juice:

Gabby loves looking out the door:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

School Pictures Finally!!

Getting ready to leave for school!

Showing her Strawberry Shortcake backpack!

My babies!

My beautifully purply coordinated girl with her Tinkerbell backpack.

In front of school.

Emma coming out at the end of the day

Kai waiting to go in

Kai on line

Emma on line waiting to go in

Emma coming home!

Emma going in

Kailee going in

Kailee coming out on Thursday

Kailee on line waiting to be picked up