Friday, January 30, 2009

Favorite Things Friday

I skipped this post last week like all the others because I was finding it so hard to name things that were my favorite. It was just one of those weeks. Needless to say I am determined to search my soul this week and participate!

So this week my Favorite Things are:

  1. Crossing things off my To Do List. Even if it's one, it's such a sense of accomplishment.
  2. Valentine's Decorations, it makes the windows look pretty.
  3. The smell of muffins cooking in the kitchen.
  4. The look on the girls faces when the got home and realized I baked muffins.
  5. Watching Emma work on her Valentine's homework project.
  6. Seeing Gabrielle recognize me and greet me with a Smile.
  7. Face Book, connecting with old friends is wonderful.
  8. Freecycle, it's incredible for getting things you need and passing on things you don't.
  9. Listening to Emma & Kailee play.
  10. Listening to Kailee tell me the story of the "blue eyed" girl again and again and again.

For more "Favorite Things Friday" check out Tiffany at the boren life

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I skipped this post last week because I was having a really hard time coming up with something I was thankful for, let alone 10 things. I don't like feeling this way and I'm determined to post this week, I'm not sure if I can come up with 10 but I'm going to do my best to come up with something.

  1. My own determination. Without it I'd be lost. I have no choice but to do what needs to be done, and instead of complaining about it, I'm going to embrace it.

  2. A new day. Sometimes I wake up dreading it, and just wanting to sleep and not get out of bed, but I am thankful that I have a new day to dread.

  3. A good report from Emma's teacher. I had my first ever parent-teacher conference. Okay, it was for pre-school but it was still a first. It showed me that she is a good girl when she is not in my company which in turn means I have done a good job in raising her thus far.
  4. A brave Kailee. She tried new food last night. She ate sausage, peppers and broccoli bake! She ate all the sausage, tasted the peppers and the broccoli. Either way I'll take it!
  5. A productive morning. So far this morning in the two hours that Emma has been in school, I cleaned the stove and the oven, squeezed juice out of 11 oranges that Dad sent from Florida, made orange cup cakes, cleaned and decorated the windows, prepared the art supplies for Emma's Valentine School Project and I have a few more things I want to do before resting this afternoon. I'm on a roll.
  6. Friends who understand.
  7. Healthy children.
  8. A husband who gets up and goes to work everyday without complaining.

That's my list for this Thursday. For more Thankful Thursday posts or help in creating your own, please visit Nicole at What a Trip!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Way Back Whensdays

Way Back Whensday is where we get to show a picture or tell a story from way back. Lately with Face Book, I've been spending a lot of time in "way back". I found so many pictures of myself as a child (I wish I knew where the rest of them were). I also started looking through pictures of when Emma & Kailee were little. I am still in awe of how fast time goes by, and I wish that I could slow it down.

My picture for this week's Way Back Whensday is this picture that was taken of Emma after her first bath. It was taken on June 30, 2004.
She was so little! I couldn't wait for all of her "firsts". I was in such a hurry, and now it's gone. I wish time would slow down! We are approaching her first day of Kindergarten. It is incredible how fast time goes by. She was so little here, and I didn't know any better than to just enjoy and embrace it. Now we have full conversations, and she has become so independent, she takes a shower all by herself, she even asked me to leave the bathroom and close the door the other night, I was speechless!
For more Way Back Whensday's please visit:

WordFul Wednesdays

Wordful Wednesdays is a post where we can talk about something we can't stop talking about whether it be a specific subject or a picture.

My Wordful Wednesday this week is about routine. I cannot say enough about routine. Last week for me was great in a lot of ways. It was simplified, I didn't loose my cool too many times, and there was a calmness throughout the house. I loved knowing that the big things were done and I didn't have to rush to get other things done.

The bad part is that I didn't have time to blog, I didn't get laundry put away although it was washed, and I didn't go out aside from bringing and picking Emma up from school. That was not good.

Then comes Saturday and we were out with my husband also, ALL DAY. It killed the entire routine. Not only did I still have to come home and cook dinner cause Lou was starving no one got up to bed until after 9:00. No one got a bath, the kitchen didn't get set up for Sunday, and I didn't make Lou any food to take to work the next day. Which right off the bat means now Sunday is going to start screwed up.. which led to a screwed up Monday and here we are at Tuesday and it's all still screwy. I'm hoping to get back on track tomorrow.

Does anyone have any advice on how to not be so rigid and to add a few more things to the routine? I am really on my own. My husband does not cook, clean or take care of kids so the brunt of it all is on me, he goes to work and will do grocery shopping. I need more hours in the day!

To play along with Wordful Wednesday, visit Angie at:

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Catching Up

It was a great week for me. I found a routine that works, the only problem is, changing the routine, I don't react well to that and it throws everything off, which in turn takes me a day or two to get back on track.

The other problem with the routine is that I need to add more things to it, because I'm still not accomplishing everything I need to do. I need a nap during the day and that takes up time, but if I don't nap I'm so exhausted which also does not help to accomplish anything. Sometimes I also feel that I spend more time doing responsible stuff that when I do take time out to do something for myself it takes away from the other stuff.

I am overwhelmed with laundry! It's never done, if the washing machine and dryer are empty, that means that there are at least 4 baskets of clothes to be folded and put away which is worse than the actual sorting and washing. By the time it's all put away, the hamper is full again!

I have pumping down pat, I am able to pump at least once a day, I'm going to try to add one more to that and see what happens, but as of right now I have a good supply in the freezer and I am able to give Gab a bottle and possibly leave her and go out, aah to dream!

Last week Gabrielle turned 2 months old. Time goes way to fast, it's so out of control and if I had one super power it would be to slow the clock down a bit, I am cherishing every moment of her newborn stage because I know this time around how valuable it is.

I have a great cooking schedule now (I could use some new reciepes/suggestions, the same old thing is getting boring) also, I come home while Emma is in school, prepare my meal and clean up something around the house, then I just pop dinner in the oven when Lou is half way home. The only problem is the fact that Lou and I are eating at 7:30/8:00 and clean up is near 9:00, which is exhausting. Emma and Kailee even went upstairs and put themselves to sleep two nights this week because they were just to tired and didn't want to wait for us to come up and tuck them in.

Kailee had a strange week. It seems that we took several steps forward at the beginning of the week, she is now dressing herself completely, from shirt to socks and shoes, and jacket, she is even able to completely unzip her coat when we come home. I have given her nothing but positive reinforcement, and I am working really hard on my patience with her. Oddly enough though by the end of the week, she was putting her shoes on the wrong feet again, and was forgetting how to get dressed, and she was putting her coat on upside down. Super frustrating! We even had poop issues again, 4 days without going, and needing a suppository, but I am proud to say that she never once asked for a diaper and we dealt with it, and she did finally go, I need to speak to my new doctor because the stress of the bathroom situation is no good for either of us.

We have her evaluation meeting on February 6th, I'm hoping that through this meeting we will find out what kind of occupational therapy she is going to receive and how often, I am also hoping for some advice/counseling for myself so I know how to deal with her and help her when we are both frustrated.

Tuesday was the day that Emma was "pre" registered for Kindergarten, it's a two step process because nothing is simple. We had to go with proof of address and birth and fill out the application, then we get an appointment to come back with proof of address again, and fill out more forms. Kindergarten is full day, that blows my mind. I can't imagine being away from her for all those hours, and I think it's going to be a huge adjustment for her, going from 2.5 hours a day to going to 6 hours, it's a big jump. I'm worried about her eating lunch in school, she is so picky, I'm worried about her having to use the bathroom. It's going to be a new school with a new teacher, and new children, aside from that she is going to go from having 12 classmates to double that, from two teachers to one teacher. It's so incredibly overwhelming for ME.

Tuesday also brought us a new president. I didn't think it would effect me, but I have to say that I swept up and blown away. My daughters were also intrigued and that was incredible to me also. I hope as does everyone else, that this is the change and boost we all need.

Gabrielle has started wrinkling her nose this week, smiling and cooing. I LOVE it! This is why I want more babies, there is nothing like it in the world, it's the best. All of it, even the bad hard scary days!

Some pictures. I also promise to be a better blogger this week!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Quick Post

I haven't posted in a week and I really hate that I haven't posted. There have been things going all week and I've been busy, but most of all I haven't been able to put my thoughts into words. I do plan on catching up this weekend, with all of my posts including the one's I partcipated in last week.

There is so much I want to say but it's not making any sense.

Gabrielle turned two months yesterday, I can't believe how fast time goes, that is part of why I haven't written this week. I will catch up later, she's crying now and Kailee has a stomach ache!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Favorite Things Friday

My First Favorite Time Friday!!

  1. My DVR. It makes my life so much easier!

  2. My Laptop, it also makes my life easier, I can keep in touch and not be on the phone.

  3. The Library. My escape! So many books that I can loose myself in. I get to use my laptop to browse and add the books I want, then I get an email, swing by and pick them up. I'm almost done with my latest.

  4. Clothes coming out of the dryer. They just feel so warm and toasty.

  5. Clean Sheets. I L-O-V-E fresh sheets, they are the best to snuggle into with a good book.

  6. A smile from Gabrielle. She is still so new and they are so rare and innocent. It's enough to give me the strength to continue through my day.

For more "Favorite Things Friday" check out Tiffany at the boren life.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thankful Thursday

  1. Not having to go out on a cold snowy morning, thanks to a friend.
  2. My warm house.
  3. Sitting on the couch with Kailee & Gabrielle, doing absolutely nothing.
  4. Emma. She is always there when I need her, ready to help, and always wanting to do more than she should have to do at 4.
  5. Blogging. It's a great way to keep connected and 'meet' new people.
  6. Three. Beautiful. Healthy. Girls.
  7. Sorted Laundry. I know that might sound strange, but it takes a lot to have it sorted out and when I do get it done, I am so thankful!
  8. PBS Kids. Another that sounds pretty selfish, but Kailee is entranced, therefore allowing me to write this blog!
  9. My To Do List. It helps me keep track of things and also have a sense of accomplishment.
  10. Thankful Thursday's for making me sit here and think about the things I am Thankful for, I hope to do this every week.

To see more Thanksgiving Thursdays or to play along yourself, visit Nicole at What a Trip!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

This is my first Wordful Wednesday. I picked this picture that I just took a couple of days ago. It was something I decided right away becasue to tell you the truth I wasn't even sure what the proper way to participate in Wordful Wednesday was and then I figured it out and this was the picture that popped into my head!
This is a moment between Emma & Gabrielle and I think it's their first true sister moment! I can only imagine how many more of these moments they will share, and how lucky I am to have captured the first one. It makes me think of all the secrets they will share, and again to think how lucky I am that they will have each other to confide it. It makes me excited for the future, and so thrilled to have three amazing daughters. I know that Emma will always be there for her little sisters, and I am sure as time marches on, they will be there for her also.
Emma just has that "mom" instinct, she's had it since she was little, and I am so proud to be her Mama!

To play along with Wordful Wednesday, visit Angie at:

Gabrielle Michelle

Here's a little video!

Way Back Whensday

Way Back Whensday is about posting a picture or telling a story from way back that means something to you. Here's my picture for this week, wihch also happens to be my first Way Back Whensday post.

This pictures ties in with my picture from my Wordful Wednesday post (check out
Wordful Wednesday, to play along ). This is the first time held Kailee. She was only 14 months old and didn't know any better. When I first walked in the door with Kailee in the car seat carrier, Emma started shaking her head NO. She was telling me that she did not want this new person in her house on her turf. Once we took her out though, there was no stopping Emma from taking care of her.

She couldn't wait to hold her and love her, and even at that young age try to dress her and change her. She sang the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to her every chance she got, and she could hardly sing it herself at that age, it was too precious. I have that on video but 4.5 years ago videos weren't made to go on line so I can't share that. This picture brings back so many memories and the bond that was created that day, is incredible strong today. They are best friends, always together, playing, sharing and of course arguing and fighting.

I try my hardest to stay out of their arguments, it's between them and I want them to understand that they have to work it out amongst themselves. Sisterhood is a bond that is incredible and they have to work on it together. I am so excited to watch it grow and change and grow some more!

If you'd like to participate in Way-Back Whenesday, visit Cheryl at:

P is for ....

Nicole at What a Trip! challenged me to come up with a list of ten of my favorite things that start with the letter "P". (She had to do "T".) It was harder than I thought and took some time, but here it goes, there is no specific order.

  1. Pink! It is the color that describes my world (and my blog). It represents my beautiful girls.
  2. Pictures. I couldn't live without my pictures. There is no better way to be able to look back and remember. Emma seems to have my love of taking pictures also, she is always using my camera (and very well I might add).
  3. Trop.icana Peach Orchard Jucie a/k/a Punch Juice - Emma's new favorite. We can't keep it in the house long enough.
  4. Pancackes. The girls favorite food. Our go-to survival for them to eat something.
  5. Peace and quiet. I've learned to savor it, it's very rare and when it happens, it's amazing.
  6. Playtime. I love watching and listening to the girls play together, it's amazing. I hope they are always content to play together.
  7. Preshool. I have seen Emma grow so much, and it's been great for me to. I have a reason to get up and get out, and I've made friends.
  8. Pillows. There are more pillows on my bed and in my house then there is room for them. I LOVE pillows. There is never enough of them. They are a huge sorce of comfort to me.
  9. Purpose. I have a greater purpose. I don't just have to get up and go to work. I have to care for, look after and being responsible for three people.
  10. Pajamas. My favorite article of clothing. I wish I could wear them 24/7! The girls also have my love of PJ's, they have two drawers full. There is nothing more comforting that PJ's and a pillow!!

Thanks Nicole for letting me play along! If anyone else would like to play, please leave me a comment asking for a letter, if you don't want to play, of course you can still leave a comment!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

As per Aunt Meshell's request....

I've been lazy the past few days with posting pictures, and since Aunt MeShell made a specific request, I cannot deny an aunt pictures of her nieces, especially when she's pregnant!! So here you go, some new pictures of the girls from the past two weeks

Saturday, January 10, 2009

7 Weeks, Play Dates, & Smiles

Well the past two days have been so much fun! We had a couple of rough days before this, but yesterday and today have been full of smiles, gurgles, and a few coos! The smiles keep coming and Gabrielle is really starting to interact.

She is reaching for her mobile on her bouncy seat, reaching towards me and the girls, and is full of smiles. We had our 6 week check up yesterday, and Gabrielle is now 9 pounds 11 ounces, and 21 inches long. Dr. Shen said she is gaining weight appropriately for a breast fed baby. She had to get two vaccinations and took them like a champ without even crying. It was much more painful for me and the girls to watch, but we all gave her lots of kisses and cuddles when it was all over.

Yesterday we went to see Maryann, Nicholas and Marco. The boys loved having us over and the girls had a wonderful time. Marco was bending over in his exersaucer to see Gabrielle sitting in her car seat, and Nicholas was so sweet to her and kept fixing her socks! It was so sweet! I have tons of pictures to share.

After our play date we took the girls to DaVinci for pizza with Grandma Louise. It was a long day and everyone was sound a sleep when we got home. Gabrielle woke up and was up for about an 45 minutes without fussing or crying she was just sitting with me and Lou smiling and we even got a couple of coos.

I cannot believe that 7 weeks have passed already. Time goes so fast and there is no way to slow it down, so I have done the best I can to document it, and remember it, and most importantly enjoy it, beore I know it she will be running around with the rest of the gang.

Right now it's snowing - Papa you are so lucky you are in Florida!!! Emma went back to school on Monday and we had a play date with Emmanuel and Christian on Thursday, it was a wonderfully busy and productive week! I was even able to get a lot of things done in the house, of course there's always more to do, but so is life!

Michelle had her sonogram this week, and I am going to have a newphew!!! Only Twinkie A was cooperative, so Lou and I are still waiting to find out what our Godchild maybe, but we know for sure that the streak of girls has been broken and we will finally have a little boy to join the crew! I'm so excited and cannot wait until her next sonogram on February 3, I sure hope Twinkie B is in the mood to let us know if it's a boy or a girl!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

6 Weeks (and a few days)

Well it was back to the routine today (thankfully). Emma woke up so excited it was like the very first day of school all over again. It really felt good to have a purpose for getting up and getting out.

We had a nice vacation, although we stayed home it was still nice and quiet and it felt good to not have to go anywhere. I did realize though that the older girls are so used to having seperate time that it was rough on them to be toghether all day long.

We booked the Christening (took care of all the paper work for church), ordered the cake and invitations and as of the time I am writing this we are still the only baby scheduled to be baptized on February 8th, which will be a treat for us, since we had to wait in very long lines for both Emma & Kailee.

Saturday was Gabrielle's 6th week. I cannot believe how time is flying and she is changing so much, she is so big! It's very noticeable even to me and I don't spend anytime away from her.

This afternoon we were having some quiet nursing time and she was drifting off, so I shifted her and she smiled, and then she GIGGLED!! It was such a precious sound, I loved it, then I was treated to another smile! It was enough to help get through the rest of the night in which she hsa been screaming! Oh well!

I will download and add an updated picture tomorrow.