Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good comes out of Emma being sick?

I hate to admit it, but I seem to always find the happy ending or silver lining. Hating to admit it doesn't make sense either, cause I don't hate it. It just always seems to surprise me.

Emma is my helper, I rely on her way to much but she's always there to listen to me or help. With her being sick, Kailee willingly stepped up to the plate and proved to herself what I always knew was possible. She is very capable and is a great helper.

Aside from that Kailee is always with Emma. They are best friends and blessed for me, they hardly ever fight. Somehow, Gabby doesn't really fit in to their little group. This past week, Kailee & Gabby only had each other. Now, they do not play the same way as Emma & Kailee but they played. Gabby really loves her big sister. She loves to rough house with her and pull her hair and dance and sing. They really have a lot in common which is so nice to see despite their age difference. Kailee even loves to play with Gabby's toys, which may not be a good thing for Gabby but they found ways to occupy themselves.

Having 3 kids sick at the same time is horrible. One of them being a 2 year old who is not capable of doing anything or speaking is torture, add to that a mushy 5 year old and a very sick 6 year old and you have one exhausted mama. Poor Emma couldn't even get a hug when she was sick until two days ago when Gabby felt better. My arms are full always but this week they hurt. My hurt was hurting also because I feel that Emma could have gotten better so much faster if there was some Mama love time involved while she was sick, if she could have layed her head in my lap longer or just slept in my arms. The power of Mama love is so strong, and I believe it does have healing powers!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Birthday, Turkey & Sick

What a week we had! I'm so glad that it's only Friday night and there is still two days left of this weekend to recover.

We've been going non stop since last Saturday, when we had a few people over to celebrate Gabrielle's 2nd birthday! I can't believe my baby girl is 2, it really hit me when we sang Happy Birthday to her that it was the last 2 year old party I'll ever get to host for one of my children. Such mixed emotions!

Sunday we had Lou's Aunt's 60th birthday party, and then Monday was Gabrielle's actual birthday. Things went down hill from there though. She started not to feel well Monday night, by Tuesday morning is was down right sick. Tuesday afternoon I got to go to school to be a part of Kailee's Thanksgiving feast, then came home and did homework with the girls. By the time dinner rolled around and was done, Emma was sick.

We started our Thanksgiving vacation a day early by keeping both girls home from school which was good cause Emma was sick all day and Kailee got sick at night. We then decided to post-pone Thanksgiving and Lou's bday. So sad the girls spent all of Thanksgiving on the couch sick.

Today was much better for Kailee and Gabrielle, but poor Emma is still down for the count. Gabby is also being weaned which has been a bit of a hassle for her and I but I'm sticking to it! We're now on day 3 of no breast milk. I'm hoping it will get easier soon. She is a tough cookie that's for sure!

We celebrated Thanksgiving and Lou's bday today as well as put up our Christmas tree, I just feel so bad that Emma couldn't participate in any of it, she tried so hard to put some decorations on the tree but just couldn't do it for long.

Hoping tomorrow is a better day for all of us!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Continuing on my random thoughts

My last post was about the 5 glass balls, and I feel that I didn't even get to say half of the things that are swirling in my head.

One of the balls mentioned is Work. That is a RUBBER ball, that is the one that has the most flexibility. What happens when your household and your children are your work? There are no sick days, no vacation days, no "I don't feel like it" days, what do you do then, how do you make that a rubber ball, when everything you are responsible for is as important as glass?

I feel a new me emerging and I'm not sure where it's going to take me, but I think it's a fork in the road and I'm feeling pressure to make changes and decisions. I'm unhappy, and unhealthy, and I'm not being the best me, which is not being the best mom or role model for my girls.

Where do I go from here?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Random Thoughts

I just read James Patterson's = Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas, and I am sure that I am very late in reading this book as it's been around a long time, but needless to say it's left an impression.

This is a quote from the book:

Imagine that life is a game in which you are juggling five balls. The five balls are: family, friends, health, integrity, and work. And you are keeping all of them in the air. But one day you finally come to understand that "work" is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four---family, friends, health, and integrity---are made of glass. And if you drop them, they will crack, chip, or shatter. Once you truly understand the lesson of the five balls, you will discover balance in your life ---James Patterson

This is major food for thought for me. I have neglected my health, badly. Not just badly, embarrassingly. I am an advocate for NOT missing a child health care appointment and never allowing them to go untreated. My mantra was always that I have to take care of my children and then it dawned on me, that taking care of MYSELF IS taking care of my children, because if I get sick or can't be here for them, what good am I then to them or to myself?

With all that said, I went to the dr. yesterday for the first time in ages, aside from being pregnant or my annual GYN appointment. I met a brand new wonderful woman doctor who spent and unheard of 1 hour with me, talking!! It was amazing and felt great. I had to go for lots of blood work today but I'm okay with whatever comes of it and wherever it leads me to take care of me.

Number one is that I must loose weight, lots of it, so I have to put myself out there and make myself a priority. That is not an easy thing for me, I've put myself on the back burner for so long and now it's time for a change, a change for the better, a change for me, a change that will affect everyone around me!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Many Things Are Different

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted. So say I'm busy is an understatement. The days all blend into one another and often I'm so tired I can't even sleep.

Now it's Fall. I'm so glad the fall is here! That's one of the big changes for me. I've forever been a fan of summer and all that entails, Heat. Humidity. Beach. Pool. Long Days. Long Nights. Laying on a towel listening to the radio. Sitting by the pool for hours with my favorite book. I used to live for all of those things, for those 3 amazing months out of the year, my favorite. Then it changed...

Emma came along and I still couldn't wait for all of those things to share with her but for her first summer she was only 2 months old, so I looked forward to the next year, then I was very very pregnant with Kailee.

That summer flew by and the following year I couldn't wait for the beach and the pool and the summer. Then I realized how not fun all those things were anymore in the same way I used to define fun. Now there was the OBSESSION with SUN SCREEN, not just any sunscreen, sunscreen so strong you were not getting a sunburn let alone a tan. And this included lotion for myself, another thing that I never even thought about before the girls.

Then came getting to the beach. OMG!! All the stuff to pack, the sand everywhere, the crying children, the BUGS, the food getting dirty, the danger of the children running in the crowd or towards the water.

The pool was a little easier, but the pool for me represented going in swimming a few laps and going back to my towel in the sun. Now it was about sitting in the kiddie pool only and having to stay in the water way past the time of being comfortable to chase the girls around the water. EXHAUSTING!!!!!!!!!! Then getting back home and all the wet clothes and the mess and the running around to get all the stuff washed and packed for dare I say another trip to the pool. Sigh.

I can't believe I have started to dread the things I loved just because they are not the same any more. Not to say that I will not one day enjoy them again but that they have changed what they represent and that I have changed the way I feel about it.

I love my girls so much and enjoy doing things with them but there is so much that goes into simple tasks.

On a more child update note:

Gabby is going to be weaned soon, I cannot believe I've been nursing for 22 months, and I will continue until her second birthday.

She will also be transitioned into her new big girl bed in her own room, and I'm considering potty training! My baby is growing up.

Kailee is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. She loves Kindergarten and we are blessed with Mrs. Palisay again. We are going to work to get her back into OT and if classification of her is necessary to get her the help she needs then that is what will be done, it can only benefit it, it cannot harm her.

Emma is growing way to fast. She is beautiful and smart and compasionate, but sadly she is a jealous little monster when it comes to "things". That makes me sad but I guess it's something we all go through and have to work on.

I will do my best to continue blogging and will even work on getting some pictures uploaded.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Do you know who is in my bed right now?

Emma!!! I don't remember the last time she got in bed with us, and last night of all nights is so amazing to me because she turned 6! She has shown nothing but independence and maturity the past few months that having her in bed with us for almost the entire night is actually a treat.

I don't remember how long it's been since I've gotten to lay next to her or best of all get to watch her sleep. Her and Gabby are currently sleeping head to head in the middle of Lou and I! It's so beautiful and peaceful.

I still can't believe that 6 years ago I was only a mom for 10 hours, and here we are now 6 years later, time goes so fast once you have children and it is the one thing that I always wish I had more of.

She finished her first year of Kindergarten yesterday also, and as glad as I am that the schleping and getting up early and making lunch and doing homework is over the end is still bittersweet, the teachers were all a bit sad because they are going to miss the girls that were in their classes and care for the past 10 months, that to me is amazing.

Gabby is pretty funny also she is running and laughing and developing and incredible personality, she never fails to make me smile or fill my heart with "that feeling" that is indescribable.

Kailee has grown and matured so much also, Pre-K was great for her and she has shown so much improvement and will continue to flourish with the right guidance from both me and school. I'm looking forward to watching her grow more and more everyday!

Pictures will be added (eventually), I've been really bad with being on the computer lately, there's just to much fun stuff to do with the beautiful weather we've been having!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

I remember years ago looking forward to Memorial Day weekend. I couldn't wait for the start of summer. The beach, the suntan lotion, hanging with friends or just enjoying a good book. The 3 day weekend.

Then I had the girls and it changed. All the things I loved, I now dreaded. The sunscreen times 3 kids, worrying about insects, eating sand, getting stung or sunburned, not liking the beach or the water. And not getting to sit in my chair in the sun reading a book or taking a nap. It was no longer fun.

This weekend though it started to reverse again, and it was fun. I filled up the kiddie pool and cleaned off the toys, I sunscreened all four of us and out to the yard we headed. We only last an hour and a half, which for me is a record since I've had the kids. (Gabby is not really thrilled with walking in the grass or a pool filled with cold water, but I'm guessing by the end of the summer that will not be the case).

Emma & Kailee had fun in the pool and I enjoyed swinging on the big double swing with Gabby next to me, and can you believe it? People magazine and I got to read a few pages of it!!

I loved them being babies but each day as they grow and get more independent I love the ages that they are at. Some days it's really hard to have two independent school kids and a toddler who doesn't talk but on the whole it's pretty good.

Emma made breakfast for us this morning while I was outside cleaning the pool toys. She made us each a waffle and toasted them (twice) and put butter on them so it was ready and waiting for me when I got inside. It was so sweet!

And to top it off, Emma lost her 3rd tooth. I have one crying from teething and one loosing teeth at the same rate!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Sleep Over

Gabby finally had her first sleep over. We went to Aunt Carol & Uncle Jerry's for the weekend and it was great!

Gabby was a bit cranky because of her bottom eye teeth finally breaking through, but otherwise she had a great time.

The girls were amazing!! They played outside and were an absolute dream. They had fun on the Wii, and playing in the yard, or hiking in the woods with Joey, who they lovingly called Uncle Jerry's brother for most of the weekend until they were brave enough on Sunday to actually call him by his name.

The were super eaters also. On Friday, they had chicken cutlets and and on Saturday it was BBQ day, they were so excited by the first BBQ of the season that I figured they weren't going to eat, but did they ever, they actually surprised me. Emma ate a hot dog and corn on the cob, Kailee requested the left over chicken cutlets, and then went on to eat 2 hot dogs!!

Sunday we left amid tears and begging to stay but we promised that we will go up for a week in the summer (at least the girls and I will), which I am undoubtedly looking forward to because it is so comfortable and peaceful up there, and I too hate to leave.

Yesterday I woke up feeling under the weather and Emma was coughing also so I decided that it was going to be a rainy day at home, no school, only pj's and movies. It worked out well. I didn't get to rest much having them home but it was better than watching the clock. Dinner time came around and I wasn't in much of a mood to cook but I was hungry so I had to come up with a plan.

Kailee requested grilled cheese, easy, done! Emma requested a ham and cheese sandwich, and I needed to come up with something for me and Gabby since she can't have grilled cheese.

In the meantime, I decided to make some macaroni and butter for Gabby, and came up with a tuna pasta salad for myself.

Emma made her own sandwich and even cut it in half. Then Emma proceeded to make my Tuna salad. She emptied the cans of tuna, mashed it up, added garlic powder, mayo and lemon juice, then we tossed in some pasta and some crunchy toast, she mixed it all up and served it to me!

It was delicious!

The girls are home again today and I'm still feeling lousy. Emma just made herself and Kailee a waffle, I'm amazed at how much she can do, she never stops surprising me, and although some days are harder than others, her independence and capababilities make other areas a lot easier!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Long Time No Blogging

My goodness what I terrible blogger I have been! There is many things to catch up on and I don't know where to begin.

The girls are doing great, driving me crazy and learning new things every day. Gabby has quite a personality and makes me laugh 99.9% of the time. She is 17 months old today and we are still nursing!!

She loves her food and is a wonderful eater, she's walking every where and loves her sisters so much, she follows them everywhere and wants to play with them and loves them so much.

She's pretty good at entertaining herself but loves to come up and give me a hug every so often. She isn't talking much but imitates and follows instructions really well. She's 19 pounds and 30 inches! She is still wearing 6-9 months clothes but the doctor said it's all good, she's a fire-cracker, a great eater and learning and growing right on target.

I hope to blog more often I and will post pictures soon!

Friday, February 26, 2010

gabby eating.MPG

Feeding Gabrielle is always fun, check out her crunchy waffle!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

gabby madagascar.MPG

All three girls love the Madagascar 2 movie! Gabby loves to dance to the end of it!


Check out all of Gabby's teeth!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Groundhog's Day

I would venture to guess that every stay at home mother, or even retiree, has compared their every day routine or rut to the movie Groundhog's Day. I think about it often and how it applies to my life.

There really isn't a way to avoid it, babies are very routine oriented and it makes things much easier for all parties to have a routine. As the children get older a routine is comforting, this way there is anticipation on the child's part and on the family's part.

This has worked for the most part for us all the time. Believe it or not I have the hardest part adjusting to a change in my routine. I love knowing what will be happening when and straying from it is very difficult for me. I haven't always been this way, I was much more flexible when the kids were little but now that I have 3 of them and they are older it's easier to know what's coming next.

I'm still having so much difficulty adjusting to school life, I hate the rigidity of it, but that is like double talking myself when I say how I love a daily routine. I hate watching the clock and doing the homework and picking up and dropping off and getting clothes out and making lunches, it is just so uncomfortable for me.

Anyway, this year Groundhog's Day was anything but predictable, Lou was rushed to the hospital for chest pains. I couldn't believe it, I didn't know what to do and I reacted and handled the situation terribly. I was so upset and confused and scared and didn't know "where I belonged". I didn't know how to tend to my husband and take care of my children. Luckily I had help and it worked out and he's okay. He was home with us for just under 2 weeks and the routine changed and we all loved having him home, but now I can't get back into the swing of things, and I don't know what the heck is going on with me.

On another note, the girls got their report cards on Friday and both did well. Emma did better than well, and we have some things to work on with Kailee, all in good time. Gabby is walking much more often and moving much faster it's really funny to watch, I really just wish she'd talk a bit more she is so determined to grunt and groan and whine and gets what she wants so I've started to be a little bit more stern with her and not answer her or give her what I know she wants, I'm trying to encourage her to speak more. She follows instructions and understands what we tell her she just isn't verbal. All she says is HI all day long!

Emma is home sick today, poor baby has some kind of stomache bug, not throwing up thank goodness, just running back and forth to the bathroom. Gabby seems to have the same bug, I'd much rather change diapers and sit in the bathroom than have them vomiting! Emma missed the 100th day of school celebration today, and of course she is spotlight this week and we completed her project yesterday she couldn't wait to bring it in today, it's not bad enough she was chosen the week that school only had 4 days but now will be absent for 2 of those 4, I feel bad for her!

Well I guess that's all for now, I'll try to post more and add some pictures soon, I've just been feeling so out of touch lately that it's been difficult to do anything extra than the things I have to do.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Food Wars

I know that I was the worst eater as a child but it doesn't make it better or even okay to have to deal with it when it's your own child. It's really frustrating and tiring and annoying.

There is no doubt in my mind for one second that I am to blame for being lazy, tired, bored, not a good eater myself, not taking risks with offering foods, but now I'm just done.

I DREAD meal time, almost every single one, every single day. Emma is awful. Not even a little bit, just awful, I hate going to other peoples homes with her, I hate sending her to play dates, I just hate eating with her. Hate is such a strong word, maybe dread is better. I dread it. On several occassions I have tried the you have to eat whatever is around and if you only eat dessert that's up to you, but that was a reward. I now pack food for her. There are certain places I can go where I don't worry about it, but other places I will either get her McDonalds or pack her food. I have packed her food on several play dates to make it easier for her and the people hosting the play date.

She has go to foods, cereal, pancakes, pizza,bread and butter, bagels, bananas, pizza, McD's cheeseburger, but other than that it stinks, it really stinks when we want to go out to eat and can't because there's nothing on the menu that Emma will eat. There are a handful of restaurants that we can go to if mac and cheese is on the menu or grilled cheese (neither of these will she eat if I make), and it's reached the point where I don't even want to give her food anymore. She admitted to me today that even at lunch when I make her a cheese sandwhich she takes the cheese off and eats the bread and mayo. GROSS, but I understand, that's the part that kills me, I don't want her to end up looking and feeling like me. But I have created this monster and now I don't know what to do about it.

I know that I should just stop buying her comfort foods and replace them with things she likes but watching her choke down something she doesn't like brings back horrible memories for me and I don't want to do that to her, but at the same time I don't know what to do anymore.

Kailee is a more adventerous eater, she will TRY just about anything, not necessarily liking it but trying it none the same.

Gabrielle on the other hand eats everything I make and loves just about 99% of it all, thank God for somethings!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Spider

The past few days have been busy! Gabby loves the Itsy Bitsy Spider song and is learning the hand movements to go with it, it's really funny to watch her, I hope this video captures how funny it is!

Gabby's Walking!

Finally able to get her in action on video! She is still mostly crawling but is taking more steps more often now throughout the day. Today she was even brave enough to drink and walk and carry some toys around with her!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

14 months old

14 months old has always been a big milestone for me. I really can't believe that I've reached that milestone for the last time. My little baby is 14 months old!

This is a big month age for me because that is how old Emma was when I had Kailee!! I look at Gabby and can't imagine that I had a newborn and a 14 month old! I would be able to handle it fine just like I did the first time around but when I really think about it, Gabby is so small and doesn't communicate well and is so dependent but yet independent.

When I look back, I think that Emma was more independent and I think she was talking a lot more than Gabby is but I'm not really sure. I have to try and hook up the old video camera and watch the videos of her and Kailee when they were small.

Gabby is imitating and learning more and more everyday. She has not walked again since last Saturday and that is fine, she'd rather hold the girls hands and walk with them than on her own.

She can do the itsy bitsy spider when I sing it and that brings back a ton of memories of Emma at this age also.

Kailee is doing wonderful! We had her evaluation meeting last Friday and everyone is in agreement over how much she has improved but we also do agree that she needs to continue with her OT and extra work to continue to improve and strengthen her movements to prepare her for Kindergarten. Kindergarten has a lot of writing involved and she is not ready for that much pencil and paper work. They have to reevaluate her because she is turning 5 but they expect her to be general education with related services which is not a doubt in my mind, she is above average in academics she just has the issue with her fine motor and gross motor skills. I am very happy with the outcome and look forward to enjoying her progress and successes!

We are official NJ Residents now! I have a drivers license and the car is registered and insured. It was not that big of a deal as I thought it was going to be. I have also finally gotten my first proof of identification in my married name! Considering we will be married 7 years in May I'd say it's about time.

I have been super busy around the house and loving it! I have gotten more projects done in the first 20 days of this year than I had in the past two years and it feels so good!

I have 1 or 2 really large projects to do but I have to really get in the mood to do them and I have had such good motivation in the past few weeks that I don't want to loose the momentum but I also know that if I force myself to tackle these projects they will not be done the proper way and I will feel as if it's more of a chore than a project I am looking forward to completeing and enjoying the benefits and releif of accomplishing it!

On another note, we are still nursing! 14 months and counting! I am so glad that I am still nursing but I see that the change is coming. We were out all day yesterday and we went 12 hours without nursing at all and we were both fine! I'm so glad, I'm thinking if I can string a few of those days together we'll be great and down to only nursing at night. The easier part of yesterday was because we were out all day and naps were taken in the car, not sure about today.

Her sleeping at night has become more independent and longer also, I'm thinking that we are getting 4-6 hour stretches with out snuggling or nursing and her sleeping in the center of the bed away from my stretched out on her belly. It's great! I'm looking forward to the possibility of sleeping straight through the night again, it's been a really long time for me since that happened.

Gabby is incredible! She brings such joy to me and I look at her and enjoy her so much, she has an incredible relationship with her sisters and a personality that knocks your socks off. She is a lot like Emma she always has paper and a pen or crayon near by!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

And She's Off!!

Gabby took a few steps yesterday towards Louie several times!! I am so filled with pride and sadness, my baby is growing up faster and faster yet again.

I am relieved to report that she is still mostly is crawling but I know time is up sooner rather than later for that!

I really wish she would have started talking before walking, the grunting, pointing and whining are way more frustrating than watching her crawl every where!!

Pictures and video will come eventually, I was too excited yesterday to even try to get it on video, maybe today will be the day!