Monday, October 5, 2009

It's been a while...

I have been a bad blogger of late! There is so much going on and not enough time to get it all done. I know I am not alone in feeling this way. The girls are in full swing at school, and although I am not used to the schedule, the demands, the running around, and the exhausting, they are doing great, which is all that matters.

We've also had our first bout of sickness! Emma missed school last Tuesday, and today, Kailee is home, sadly, Emma is home also because Kai feel too awful to go out and bring her to school, Gabby is sick too. What a bummer let me tell you!

We went to Brooklyn on Friday to see Michelle, the kids & Papa, it was great to see them all but too fast of a visit. Munya came home with us and spent the weekend for my birthday.

I had a GREAT birthday! It's been a really long time since I could say that. Lou did a great job with the presents, and Munya helped out and made it all perfect. The girls had a great time, and the best part is that we didn't go crazy and spend the days out all day we enjoyed time at home and just relaxed a bit.

I hope the girls are better soon, I hate when they are sick, although, I really don't mind them staying home today!! I'm a bad mom!

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