Sunday, January 24, 2010

14 months old

14 months old has always been a big milestone for me. I really can't believe that I've reached that milestone for the last time. My little baby is 14 months old!

This is a big month age for me because that is how old Emma was when I had Kailee!! I look at Gabby and can't imagine that I had a newborn and a 14 month old! I would be able to handle it fine just like I did the first time around but when I really think about it, Gabby is so small and doesn't communicate well and is so dependent but yet independent.

When I look back, I think that Emma was more independent and I think she was talking a lot more than Gabby is but I'm not really sure. I have to try and hook up the old video camera and watch the videos of her and Kailee when they were small.

Gabby is imitating and learning more and more everyday. She has not walked again since last Saturday and that is fine, she'd rather hold the girls hands and walk with them than on her own.

She can do the itsy bitsy spider when I sing it and that brings back a ton of memories of Emma at this age also.

Kailee is doing wonderful! We had her evaluation meeting last Friday and everyone is in agreement over how much she has improved but we also do agree that she needs to continue with her OT and extra work to continue to improve and strengthen her movements to prepare her for Kindergarten. Kindergarten has a lot of writing involved and she is not ready for that much pencil and paper work. They have to reevaluate her because she is turning 5 but they expect her to be general education with related services which is not a doubt in my mind, she is above average in academics she just has the issue with her fine motor and gross motor skills. I am very happy with the outcome and look forward to enjoying her progress and successes!

We are official NJ Residents now! I have a drivers license and the car is registered and insured. It was not that big of a deal as I thought it was going to be. I have also finally gotten my first proof of identification in my married name! Considering we will be married 7 years in May I'd say it's about time.

I have been super busy around the house and loving it! I have gotten more projects done in the first 20 days of this year than I had in the past two years and it feels so good!

I have 1 or 2 really large projects to do but I have to really get in the mood to do them and I have had such good motivation in the past few weeks that I don't want to loose the momentum but I also know that if I force myself to tackle these projects they will not be done the proper way and I will feel as if it's more of a chore than a project I am looking forward to completeing and enjoying the benefits and releif of accomplishing it!

On another note, we are still nursing! 14 months and counting! I am so glad that I am still nursing but I see that the change is coming. We were out all day yesterday and we went 12 hours without nursing at all and we were both fine! I'm so glad, I'm thinking if I can string a few of those days together we'll be great and down to only nursing at night. The easier part of yesterday was because we were out all day and naps were taken in the car, not sure about today.

Her sleeping at night has become more independent and longer also, I'm thinking that we are getting 4-6 hour stretches with out snuggling or nursing and her sleeping in the center of the bed away from my stretched out on her belly. It's great! I'm looking forward to the possibility of sleeping straight through the night again, it's been a really long time for me since that happened.

Gabby is incredible! She brings such joy to me and I look at her and enjoy her so much, she has an incredible relationship with her sisters and a personality that knocks your socks off. She is a lot like Emma she always has paper and a pen or crayon near by!

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