Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Food Wars

I know that I was the worst eater as a child but it doesn't make it better or even okay to have to deal with it when it's your own child. It's really frustrating and tiring and annoying.

There is no doubt in my mind for one second that I am to blame for being lazy, tired, bored, not a good eater myself, not taking risks with offering foods, but now I'm just done.

I DREAD meal time, almost every single one, every single day. Emma is awful. Not even a little bit, just awful, I hate going to other peoples homes with her, I hate sending her to play dates, I just hate eating with her. Hate is such a strong word, maybe dread is better. I dread it. On several occassions I have tried the you have to eat whatever is around and if you only eat dessert that's up to you, but that was a reward. I now pack food for her. There are certain places I can go where I don't worry about it, but other places I will either get her McDonalds or pack her food. I have packed her food on several play dates to make it easier for her and the people hosting the play date.

She has go to foods, cereal, pancakes, pizza,bread and butter, bagels, bananas, pizza, McD's cheeseburger, but other than that it stinks, it really stinks when we want to go out to eat and can't because there's nothing on the menu that Emma will eat. There are a handful of restaurants that we can go to if mac and cheese is on the menu or grilled cheese (neither of these will she eat if I make), and it's reached the point where I don't even want to give her food anymore. She admitted to me today that even at lunch when I make her a cheese sandwhich she takes the cheese off and eats the bread and mayo. GROSS, but I understand, that's the part that kills me, I don't want her to end up looking and feeling like me. But I have created this monster and now I don't know what to do about it.

I know that I should just stop buying her comfort foods and replace them with things she likes but watching her choke down something she doesn't like brings back horrible memories for me and I don't want to do that to her, but at the same time I don't know what to do anymore.

Kailee is a more adventerous eater, she will TRY just about anything, not necessarily liking it but trying it none the same.

Gabrielle on the other hand eats everything I make and loves just about 99% of it all, thank God for somethings!

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