Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Groundhog's Day

I would venture to guess that every stay at home mother, or even retiree, has compared their every day routine or rut to the movie Groundhog's Day. I think about it often and how it applies to my life.

There really isn't a way to avoid it, babies are very routine oriented and it makes things much easier for all parties to have a routine. As the children get older a routine is comforting, this way there is anticipation on the child's part and on the family's part.

This has worked for the most part for us all the time. Believe it or not I have the hardest part adjusting to a change in my routine. I love knowing what will be happening when and straying from it is very difficult for me. I haven't always been this way, I was much more flexible when the kids were little but now that I have 3 of them and they are older it's easier to know what's coming next.

I'm still having so much difficulty adjusting to school life, I hate the rigidity of it, but that is like double talking myself when I say how I love a daily routine. I hate watching the clock and doing the homework and picking up and dropping off and getting clothes out and making lunches, it is just so uncomfortable for me.

Anyway, this year Groundhog's Day was anything but predictable, Lou was rushed to the hospital for chest pains. I couldn't believe it, I didn't know what to do and I reacted and handled the situation terribly. I was so upset and confused and scared and didn't know "where I belonged". I didn't know how to tend to my husband and take care of my children. Luckily I had help and it worked out and he's okay. He was home with us for just under 2 weeks and the routine changed and we all loved having him home, but now I can't get back into the swing of things, and I don't know what the heck is going on with me.

On another note, the girls got their report cards on Friday and both did well. Emma did better than well, and we have some things to work on with Kailee, all in good time. Gabby is walking much more often and moving much faster it's really funny to watch, I really just wish she'd talk a bit more she is so determined to grunt and groan and whine and gets what she wants so I've started to be a little bit more stern with her and not answer her or give her what I know she wants, I'm trying to encourage her to speak more. She follows instructions and understands what we tell her she just isn't verbal. All she says is HI all day long!

Emma is home sick today, poor baby has some kind of stomache bug, not throwing up thank goodness, just running back and forth to the bathroom. Gabby seems to have the same bug, I'd much rather change diapers and sit in the bathroom than have them vomiting! Emma missed the 100th day of school celebration today, and of course she is spotlight this week and we completed her project yesterday she couldn't wait to bring it in today, it's not bad enough she was chosen the week that school only had 4 days but now will be absent for 2 of those 4, I feel bad for her!

Well I guess that's all for now, I'll try to post more and add some pictures soon, I've just been feeling so out of touch lately that it's been difficult to do anything extra than the things I have to do.


Tracy said...

I'm so sorry to hear what you've gone through lately. Glad the girls are doing well in school.

Lori said...

Thanks Tracy! I'm glad that we made it through and can get back to our regular "boring" routine!