Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Sleep Over

Gabby finally had her first sleep over. We went to Aunt Carol & Uncle Jerry's for the weekend and it was great!

Gabby was a bit cranky because of her bottom eye teeth finally breaking through, but otherwise she had a great time.

The girls were amazing!! They played outside and were an absolute dream. They had fun on the Wii, and playing in the yard, or hiking in the woods with Joey, who they lovingly called Uncle Jerry's brother for most of the weekend until they were brave enough on Sunday to actually call him by his name.

The were super eaters also. On Friday, they had chicken cutlets and and on Saturday it was BBQ day, they were so excited by the first BBQ of the season that I figured they weren't going to eat, but did they ever, they actually surprised me. Emma ate a hot dog and corn on the cob, Kailee requested the left over chicken cutlets, and then went on to eat 2 hot dogs!!

Sunday we left amid tears and begging to stay but we promised that we will go up for a week in the summer (at least the girls and I will), which I am undoubtedly looking forward to because it is so comfortable and peaceful up there, and I too hate to leave.

Yesterday I woke up feeling under the weather and Emma was coughing also so I decided that it was going to be a rainy day at home, no school, only pj's and movies. It worked out well. I didn't get to rest much having them home but it was better than watching the clock. Dinner time came around and I wasn't in much of a mood to cook but I was hungry so I had to come up with a plan.

Kailee requested grilled cheese, easy, done! Emma requested a ham and cheese sandwich, and I needed to come up with something for me and Gabby since she can't have grilled cheese.

In the meantime, I decided to make some macaroni and butter for Gabby, and came up with a tuna pasta salad for myself.

Emma made her own sandwich and even cut it in half. Then Emma proceeded to make my Tuna salad. She emptied the cans of tuna, mashed it up, added garlic powder, mayo and lemon juice, then we tossed in some pasta and some crunchy toast, she mixed it all up and served it to me!

It was delicious!

The girls are home again today and I'm still feeling lousy. Emma just made herself and Kailee a waffle, I'm amazed at how much she can do, she never stops surprising me, and although some days are harder than others, her independence and capababilities make other areas a lot easier!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Love the big picture!

I'm so relieved to read this. Rowan hasn't gotten her bottom eye teeth yet, either, and it's had me worried. :)