Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lots of Nothing?

Well things are going but nothing major to report. The house is for sale and we've had several people in and out to see it. One offer but nothing to talk about. Gabby is moving and grooving. She is never in the same place twice, it's funny but frustrating, the girls are seeing her in a whole new light.

Since she has learned to stand she is also slightly moving while holding onto the couch, she will use ANYTHING she can to stand up with, bad part, it results in crying because she can't figure out how to sit down once she stands.

Emma went on her first school trip to Blue Heron Park, sadly the weather didn't cooperate so we just looked around and listened and learned about outdoor rules and birds.
Emma is practicing for graduation! I can't believe she is graduating from Pre-K. It has been an incredible year and the things she has learned is so incredible. It is so hard to believe that my baby is going to be 5 in two weeks.

We had our well visits this week and the dr. projects Emma & Kailee will be around 5'2'' when they stop growing. Gabby gained 5 ounces this month so we are working a few options to help her gain some weight. All had to get shots, it was not fun at all for anyone, but I have to say Kailee was a trooper!

We are in the process of packing, bringing boxes to the new location, and showing our house. I really hate showing our house it's so intrusive, and the strangers in and out of the house really drives me insane. The house is neat and we are doing our best to keep it that way. We hope to be living in NJ officially by the last week of July. We are praying that a realistic offer will come in and the bank will accept it, otherwise we will have to go a different route. Hard lessons have been learned and we will be paying for those lessons for a long time to come.

We have tons of things coming up this month. The girls recital is next weekend. I'm excited and releived at the same time. I am glad that it is over and I hope and pray that they are in the mood to dance on stage. I'm not that worried about Kailee but I have my doubts about Emma. We'll see!

Now for some pictures:

What happens if you take too long to buckle her:
Proud of herself:
Too cute for words:

Three of the same outfit is not an easy feat:

My blessings:


Gabby comforts Kai while she was on a time out:

Using my leg to stand:

Gabby's 1st taste of bananas. 6/1/09:
Gabby sitting and playing unassisted 6/1/09:


First french fry: 5/30/09:

Gabby's First Time in a High Chair (restaurant) 5/28/09:
Emma with the Park Ranger:
Beautiful Kailee after a shower:

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I totally hear you on the showings, and I hope you get a realistic offer on your home soon. We just dropped our price...hopefully that helps move things along.