Monday, July 27, 2009

"MOVING" Forward

Well it's moving time! It's been a long week of packing and preparing but we made it! I am so glad to finally be here. The first night was insane. We didn't get to bed until midnight, and by then we couldn't find some much needed items (TV for girls room), and we were all too exhausted to care. I put sheets on our bed, and put the girls in our room on the floor on their little sleep out couches and we spent the first night at our new address together in one larger (thank GOD)bedroom. It was perfect.

Everyone slept great. I was so happy and content that even Lou noticed (and Lou does not notice much - LOL), he even said to me the next day, you seem happier than you have been in a really long time, and I am!

Sunday was spent emptying boxes while Lou was at work, and even with one arm (because Gabby REFUSED) to be put down on the floor got several boxes emptied. I was so proud of myself. Don't get me wrong there are still more to be emptied, but considering we are only here 1 day it's pretty good.

I have high hopes and expectations for this week since Lou is on vacation! Much more postings to come and plenty of pictures (as soon as the wire is located and the darn internet is working properly).

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