Monday, July 27, 2009

KLUCK - U - Both & My 100th Post!

Well, today was spent going back and forth to Staten Island for Kai to go to school, getting more boxes from the house and running errands.

By the time we got back to NJ everyone was hungry so we used the navigator (appropriately named Georgia) to find a place to eat. I typed in food and a list of restaurants popped up.

KLUCK - U - Chicken was one of the names. I told Lou, he promptly told me, KLUCK - U. I repeated it back to him. While cracking up laughing we said it a few times to each other. After about 5 minutes, from the back, Emma yells - KLUCK U BOTH! Lou and were laughing so hard and she started cracking up. It felt so good, I don't remember how long it was when I laughed that hard. Out of the mouths of babes was never truer!

Internet is still not working properly so pictures and more posts will come shortly, I promise!

Technically it's really not my 100th post, thanks to blogger and my computer not getting along when it comes to adding pictures, slide shows and videos, but the log says "100" so I must pay tribute to that, considering I started in November that's pretty cool!!

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