Friday, November 26, 2010

Birthday, Turkey & Sick

What a week we had! I'm so glad that it's only Friday night and there is still two days left of this weekend to recover.

We've been going non stop since last Saturday, when we had a few people over to celebrate Gabrielle's 2nd birthday! I can't believe my baby girl is 2, it really hit me when we sang Happy Birthday to her that it was the last 2 year old party I'll ever get to host for one of my children. Such mixed emotions!

Sunday we had Lou's Aunt's 60th birthday party, and then Monday was Gabrielle's actual birthday. Things went down hill from there though. She started not to feel well Monday night, by Tuesday morning is was down right sick. Tuesday afternoon I got to go to school to be a part of Kailee's Thanksgiving feast, then came home and did homework with the girls. By the time dinner rolled around and was done, Emma was sick.

We started our Thanksgiving vacation a day early by keeping both girls home from school which was good cause Emma was sick all day and Kailee got sick at night. We then decided to post-pone Thanksgiving and Lou's bday. So sad the girls spent all of Thanksgiving on the couch sick.

Today was much better for Kailee and Gabrielle, but poor Emma is still down for the count. Gabby is also being weaned which has been a bit of a hassle for her and I but I'm sticking to it! We're now on day 3 of no breast milk. I'm hoping it will get easier soon. She is a tough cookie that's for sure!

We celebrated Thanksgiving and Lou's bday today as well as put up our Christmas tree, I just feel so bad that Emma couldn't participate in any of it, she tried so hard to put some decorations on the tree but just couldn't do it for long.

Hoping tomorrow is a better day for all of us!

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