Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good comes out of Emma being sick?

I hate to admit it, but I seem to always find the happy ending or silver lining. Hating to admit it doesn't make sense either, cause I don't hate it. It just always seems to surprise me.

Emma is my helper, I rely on her way to much but she's always there to listen to me or help. With her being sick, Kailee willingly stepped up to the plate and proved to herself what I always knew was possible. She is very capable and is a great helper.

Aside from that Kailee is always with Emma. They are best friends and blessed for me, they hardly ever fight. Somehow, Gabby doesn't really fit in to their little group. This past week, Kailee & Gabby only had each other. Now, they do not play the same way as Emma & Kailee but they played. Gabby really loves her big sister. She loves to rough house with her and pull her hair and dance and sing. They really have a lot in common which is so nice to see despite their age difference. Kailee even loves to play with Gabby's toys, which may not be a good thing for Gabby but they found ways to occupy themselves.

Having 3 kids sick at the same time is horrible. One of them being a 2 year old who is not capable of doing anything or speaking is torture, add to that a mushy 5 year old and a very sick 6 year old and you have one exhausted mama. Poor Emma couldn't even get a hug when she was sick until two days ago when Gabby felt better. My arms are full always but this week they hurt. My hurt was hurting also because I feel that Emma could have gotten better so much faster if there was some Mama love time involved while she was sick, if she could have layed her head in my lap longer or just slept in my arms. The power of Mama love is so strong, and I believe it does have healing powers!

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