Sunday, December 7, 2008

Two Weeks Already

This was an eventful week. Gabrielle is two weeks old already. She is such a good baby. She is eating and sleeping so well, and starting to stay awake and look around a lot more. It is incredible how quickly time goes, and it makes me sad to think that two weeks of her life have passed already.
Emma is such a good big sister, and so is Kailee. They both love their sister so much. We went to see Santa this week, and I finally have a picture of all of my girls together. For the past three years someone was afraid of him, and skipped the picture, I'm guessing that Gabrielle will be afraid next year, so I'm glad that I was able to get one of the three of them this year.

We also took our Christmas pictures and Gabrielle's newborn pictures this week. Thanks to Amanda's generousity, we have a CD filled with incredible pictures. I'm so happy with how they came and can't wait to see them in person.

Today is Lou's last day of vacation, and I am okay with that. At least I can get some kind of routine going this week, I know it's going to take time to adjust to getting everyone ready and otu the door, but I'm confident enough that I can do it and I know it's going to take time and patience.

I've been working on my patience. I still loose it more often than I'd like, but it's a step in the right direction. Kailee is going for her evaluations on Monday and Tuesday, and since I've been home from the hospital, I've seen some major improvements on her part, she is dressing herself and showing more independence, the writing is still an issue, but we are going to get her the help that she needs to fix whatever the problem may be.

I want to add more photos, but I'm still learning how to use this blog, so once I figure out how to add pictures where I want them, I will. If anyone reads this and knows how to do that already please help!

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