Sunday, May 31, 2009

Meeting the cousins........

On Friday, Emma & Kailee & Gabby got to meet and hold their new cousins!! Emma is such a natural, she knows when to rock and when to cuddle, when to ask for help and when to try and make them happy. She even took fantastic pictures!

It was so amazing for me to hold my sisters' babies! They are so tiny and amazing, not to mention how much I absolutley LOVE newborns. They are so incredible. I still can't imagine how these two little beings were growing inside of her only 12 days ago!

Friday, May 29, 2009


Last night we were sitting on the couch and Gabby was crawling around on the floor. Within a few mintues she crawled herself on over to where I was sitting on the couch, put her hands up on the couch and was STANDING in front of me!!!! Lou was sitting here and the girls were also we all started screaming, we couldn't believe it.

Video/Pics to follow.....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Halfy Birthday Gabrielle

Gabby is 6 months old today! Time goes way, way, way too fast. Look how much my baby has changed!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday

I have avoided this post for a long time because as I do every so often I find it VERY hard to put into words to be thankful for, there has been a lot of stuff going on in my neck of the woods that isn't exactly terrible, but it's not wonderful either, there are things that need to be figured out and solutions need to be sort after. Emotional exhausting.

But, I have TWO very NEW things to be greatful for this morning.....

My niece and nephew entered this world yesterday afternoon, at 2:43, and 2:45 respectively, Joshua Joseph (6 pounds, 1 ounce), Riley Collette (6 pounds, 4 ounces).

It was so nice to be on the other side of the hospital for a change, my sister is feeling great and the babies are incredible. I can't wait to hold them!

To see more Thanksgiving Thursdays or to play along yourself, visit Nicole at What a Trip!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


My beautiful baby sister, now has beautiful babies of her own! After waiting 6 long years and trying all things possible, I am finally blessed with being an AUNT!

Joshua Joseph was born today at 2:43 pm, weighing in at 6 pounds 1 ounce, followed by his beautiful sister Riley Collette (my goddaughter) at 2:46 pm, weighing in at 6 pounds 4 ounces!


Congratulations Cleary's we love you!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Streak Ended

I know that it's no big deal but to us it is. Emma missed her very first day of school today, and for me it was a terrible decision to make, although I know it was the right one. She had fever last night, and was really out of it, and although she woke up this morning with no fever and was acting pretty good I decided to keep her home.

She cried so badly and tried so hard to convince me otherwise. I explained to her that it was better for her to miss one day of school and get better instead of going to school today and then missing a lot of days. Her face broke my heart. She made it till May 19th, I'm so proud of her and myself (if it's okay to say that), we braved bad weather, Kailee being sick, a c-section, a newborn baby, and other numerous things that would have made it so much easier to just stay home, but together our determination came together and off to school she went each and every day, today, with one month left (Last day of class is June 19th), we stayed home.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Guess What Gabby Got?

A new tooth!!! I found it on Saturday. Bottom center right side! I am pretty sure that the one next to it is coming in also, and she is super cranky. She is eating oatmeal, peaches & pears, carrots she liked but they constipated her, one more day of peaches and then she'll have avacado, her first green food. She has also had pizza crust.

Thursday I got to go up to Emma's school and celebrate Mother's Day is was so cute, she stood up and said that she's loves me because I give her hugs and kisses, and she made me these:

On Sunday both girls woke up and remembered that it was Mother's Day and for the first time in a long time the first words I heard when I woke up was not I want juice! It was Happy Mother's Day, then they carried up my griddle pan with my cards on it, and made me a waffle with butter and syrup.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time goes on

Six years ago at this moment, I was standing in the back of the church waiting to walk down the aisle to get married. SIX YEARS. Time flies.

When we celebrated our first anniversary, I was 8.5 months pregnant with Emma, Emma who is now a month and a half away from turning 5! Time flies.

The same little girl that we were waiting for is now at a birthday party for one of her school mates at Chuck E. Cheese without me. She went in the car with Christine and Christian, I could not trust her safety anymore with them than if she were with me, but it was how she left, she told Emma & Kailee to be good for me while she was gone. She told me she will have a good time but listen to Christine, she told me she would be back before I knew it.

What can I say to that? Time flies.....