Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Streak Ended

I know that it's no big deal but to us it is. Emma missed her very first day of school today, and for me it was a terrible decision to make, although I know it was the right one. She had fever last night, and was really out of it, and although she woke up this morning with no fever and was acting pretty good I decided to keep her home.

She cried so badly and tried so hard to convince me otherwise. I explained to her that it was better for her to miss one day of school and get better instead of going to school today and then missing a lot of days. Her face broke my heart. She made it till May 19th, I'm so proud of her and myself (if it's okay to say that), we braved bad weather, Kailee being sick, a c-section, a newborn baby, and other numerous things that would have made it so much easier to just stay home, but together our determination came together and off to school she went each and every day, today, with one month left (Last day of class is June 19th), we stayed home.


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