Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kids Videos

Gabby loves the camera!

When I looked over at Gabby playing with her house, she was on top of the green step, of course, she got down as soon as I turned the camera on, but either way I love watching her play by herself.

Just like her sisters before her, Gabby LOVES being swung by Lou, me on the other hand prefers not to watch, but when I hear that laugh, it makes me smile!

Here are two videos from Emma, she talks about her school day and what she does, and sadly she describes a "LOCK DOWN DRILL" which they practiced on 9.11 this past Friday. It KILL me that this is the things that her days are filled with, and she also informed me after the camera was away, that they spend a lot of time learning about GERMS, washing their hands, and how to sneeze and cough properly. They are instructed to get up and wash their hands each and every time they sneeze or cough, in kindergarten they are able to do this, as their is a sink direclty in their class. Thanks to the SWINE FLU outbreak last Spring, they have to add this to the lesson plans and it makes me angry!

And last but not least, Kailee talks about her day..........

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