Monday, March 30, 2009

In the Crib?!?!?

There is a first for everything!!!

Saturday night I decided to try and put Gabby in the crib. I nursed her at 9:30, she fell asleep in my bed, I picked her up and put her in the crib at 10:30, she fussed a few minutes and I rocked her a little bit, she fell asleep right away, I heard her fussing at 2:30, and again at 4:15, by the time she was really crying it was 5:15!!!I took her in my bed and fed her, I was in so much pain, after nursing all night long for the past 4 months, an 8 hour stretch was a bit much, but I was so happy, I still didn't sleep though, I made Lou switch sides with me cause the crib is on his side of the bed and I couldn't sleep.

Last night I did it again, I nursed her until about 10:30, and put her in the crib, she started to cry but I was in the bathroom, by the time I got out she was sound asleep! She cried out at 2:15 but by the time I got to the crib she was asleep again, she woke up for food at 4:45! Last night I slept much better, I know she is safe, I'm just worried that she work herself into a corner by the bumper, and she sleeps only on her belly, but since she rolls over by herself there really isnt' anything I can do, I put her down on her back and find her peacefully asleep on her belly sucking her little thumb!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Way Back Whensday

That is my beautiful Emma, in her first visit to the park. She wasn't even a year old yet. I think she was 10 months old.

I registered her for KINDERGARTEN today, FULL DAY, LUNCH without MOMMY, Kindergarten. My heart is broken. I want to go back in time.

If you'd like to participate in Way-Back Whenesday, visit Cheryl.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Green Patricks Day - Kailee Style

Kailee wished us a Happy "Green" Patrick's Day today, we tried to tell her it was St. Patrick's Day, but she insisted and seriously who am I to argue?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Another Milestone

Not sure if it's a fluke or not, possibly a balance issue, but Gabby rolled to her belly, than to her back, then to her belly, it was pretty funny, and she hasn't done it again since, so my guess is that she rolled so fast she flipped herself over, but just in case it was the first time, I needed to write it down!

Edited to Add: That it was a fluke, but it has happened again, on a few more occasions, she much more prefers her belly.

Friday, March 13, 2009

So Frustrated

Well Emma's "acceptance" letter for kindergarten came in mail yesterday. First of all that statement is wrong on so many levels. How do you get accepted to a zoned public school? I don't understand that at all.

Second part that really pisses me off, you have to register again, this is the second time we have to go to the school to fill out paperwork and prove we are who we are and we live where we live, worst part? Emma has to come with me, so unnecessary in my opinion, even worse? Her registration time is Wednesday, March 18th, between 9:00-11:00 am. What's the problem with that? Emma goes to school already between 8:45 and 11:15.

My dilemma is, how do I do both? Why should she have to miss school (for the first time no less), go in late or leave early to register for school? What message does that send? She loves school, she loves to be on time, she loves to leave when school is over, and feels no reason to absent unless she is sick. This is something that must be within herself, because I have never "forced" these beliefs on her. I have on several occasions asked her if she wanted to stay home, and her response is always "no". Now, I have to explain to her that she has to miss school, to register for school? What message is that sending? Aside from the entire prospect of my little girl going to school for 6.5 hours a day isn't hard enough, I have this on my mind as I go to bed last night.

I kindly called the school this morning to ask about this, and smartly did not give my name. I don't want it written down already that I am a trouble maker or any other thing that will hinder her having a good experience in school. The woman was very cut and dried, there is nothing that can be done about it, she must report to registration with me on Wednesday between 9 and 11, meaning she must miss school, go in late or leave early. I have the wonderful job of picking the lesser evil. I continue my conversation and again ask the woman how this policy makes sense for someone to miss school, when attendance is stressed as a key to education (OK, not in preschool maybe, but if this is something that is important to my daughter, am I not sending her the wrong message?), the woman at school also informed me that I must be there "way before 11" because she needs to have the process done by 11 to be cleaned up and out of the lunch room for the first lunch period.

So, now, my dilemma continues, if I take the chance and get there for 9:00, what if the process takes so long there is no point in sending her to school for 15 minutes? The other hand is to bring her in at 8:45 and pick her up at 10:15 giving me 45 minutes to get there and complete the registration process? This just sucks! On top of that, I need to stop speaking out loud negatively in regard to school, because Emma has said on several occasions that she wants to stay in her school and not go to a new one. I did tell her that she will have to leave school early on Wednesday and she responded with "I know, to register for a new school, ugh".

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday - By Emma & Kailee

Just this morning, I was told by Emma, that she didn't have enough fingers. I asked her what she meant, and she said, "Mom, I don't have enough fingers, to count All The People I Love, you know there are a lot." Of course, then Kailee decided she should count to, and discovered that she had the same "problem".

How is that for Thanksgiving Thursday!!

Now for my list:

  1. Super friends, old and new.
  2. Another day, it's so good to know that I can get a "do over" tomorrow.
  3. My OB who is now taking wonderful care of my sister and the twinkies, she is in good hands, and for that I am so thankful.
  4. Having things to complain about, so people really have nothing.

For more Thanksgiving Thursday or to join in with your own post, visit Nicole over at What A Trip!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The first big milestone....

She will be 15 weeks tomorrow, I have to double check, but I'm pretty sure this is the earliest any of my babies rolled from back to belly!

Just to note, she is sucking her thumb while rolling over! She's multi-tasking already :)

It's Just So Chicky

Ahh, the language of a toddler, I L-O-V-E it!!! Yesterday, I was trying to get everyone buckled and ready in the car, and I said to Emma, I wish you'd learn how to buckle your seat belt, and she said, yeah, Mom, I'm working on it!

Then I scoot across the narrow back row on my knees to buckle Kailee who is having issues that she is still in a car seat with as she refers to it "the baby buckle", and I say to her, can you try to put your strap on? Can you buckle the top buckle? She then replies, "Mom, it's just to chicky". I say, "Chicky?". Emma then translates, "TRICKY, Mom, TRICKY".

I smile, smirk, try not to crack up, and HAPPILY buckle my girl's CHICKY car buckle!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday

Ahh, it's Thanksgiving Thursday and sometimes it's really, really (and I mean really) hard to find something , anything to be thankful for, which is why I am so glad that I get to have the motivation of Nicole at What A Trip!, to keep me thinking. Please check out her blog for more Thanksgiving Thursday posts, or to create your own list!

So without further soul searching here is my list for this week.
  1. Lou is better, and back to work!
  2. Gabby is growing and healthy!
  3. Emma still has perfect attendence, thanks to a rare snow day for the NYC Public School System!
  4. My sister and the twinkies are doing well.
  5. We get to see my family on Saturday to celebrate Michelle's birthday, we haven't seen any of them since the Christening, exactly a month ago!
  6. Springing ahead this weekend, woohoo!
  7. My two friends from pre-school, they make my hectic Tuesdays & Thursdays less frantic.
  8. The ability and determination to do my best each day.
  9. The fact that I can type with one hand, since I am nursing almost everytime I am on the computer.
  10. Knowing warmer weather is in the very, very near future.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gabrielle's 3 month check up

Can you believe it? Three months already? Man the time is going by way to fast, even with the sleepless nights, and insane days, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Gabby is now 11.14 pounds, 22 inches tall. She received two more shots so she is a bit out of it today, and we go back again on the 7th of April. She is most definately teething, the bottom gums have two white spots on them, and she is sucking on her hands so badly that they are red, it seems to be uncomfortable for her to nurse also. Tylenol will help, I'm going to get her some teeting tablets also, and maybe one of those icey teething suckers.

She is able to pull herself into a sitting position if she is elevated already, I'm looking into getting her one of those bumbo chairs to help with that, she doesn't want to lay down and miss out on the action around her, she is also holding her head up really well when I carry her, this is great, because she can use her exersaucer soon. I hope she loves it as much as Emma & Kailee did.

Emma had school pictures today. I can't wait to see them. Tomorrow is another busy day for us!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Some Milestones

Gabby has most definately found her hands. She loves to hold them together, we have started calling her the mad scientist! (Working on getting a picture of that).

She also sort of rolled over today, I say sort of cause it was on the couch which is much easier to do it on than on a flat surface, I can only imagine that the real thing is coming soon. All of a sudden she loves to be on her belly. She can also pull up her head and shoulders when leaning on a pillow, she is getting so big and strong!

Emma is the best big sister, she has caught on that lately Gab does not like to be alone, and wants to be held, so when I need to get up, she sits on the couch with a pillow on her lap and holds Gab for me, of course I'm not far away, and we are constantly talking while this is going on. She is just the best big sister, sadly though, she was initiated the hard way today, Gabby threw up on her!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Makes My Monday - A Rare Snow Day

So the forecast was surprisingly correct! I was up this morning at 5 to feed the baby and decided to wait around and check out the news, prepared to make the decision that Emma would not be going to school today, therefore missing her first day of school, which just saddened my heart, I mean this kid even got sick during spring break and didn't miss school, how can she miss her first day because of snow.

To my massive surprise at exactly 6:00 this morning, the news came through that schools were closed! I was over joyed! This is the first time in 5 years that schools were closed, and God only knows how many years it was before that, that schools were closed. If schools closed 3 times during my entire education it was a lot. Leave the 5 boroughs and schools close that many times in a month, let alone two decades. Needless to say, this makes my Monday!

Lou took the pictures while he shoveled, cause I wasn't going out there, not even to play, I'm not big on snow, and if the girls didn't ask, I wasn't offering, my goodness it's March for crying out loud!!

Check out for more Makes My Monday posts, or to add one of your own!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tickle Spot

I found Gabby's tickle spot today, I can't get a full laugh but she's gearing up for it, it's under her arm! I hope to get it on video either tomorrow or Tuesday!