Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday

Ahh, it's Thanksgiving Thursday and sometimes it's really, really (and I mean really) hard to find something , anything to be thankful for, which is why I am so glad that I get to have the motivation of Nicole at What A Trip!, to keep me thinking. Please check out her blog for more Thanksgiving Thursday posts, or to create your own list!

So without further soul searching here is my list for this week.
  1. Lou is better, and back to work!
  2. Gabby is growing and healthy!
  3. Emma still has perfect attendence, thanks to a rare snow day for the NYC Public School System!
  4. My sister and the twinkies are doing well.
  5. We get to see my family on Saturday to celebrate Michelle's birthday, we haven't seen any of them since the Christening, exactly a month ago!
  6. Springing ahead this weekend, woohoo!
  7. My two friends from pre-school, they make my hectic Tuesdays & Thursdays less frantic.
  8. The ability and determination to do my best each day.
  9. The fact that I can type with one hand, since I am nursing almost everytime I am on the computer.
  10. Knowing warmer weather is in the very, very near future.


Unknown said...

thanks for stopping by. I, too, have mastered the one handed typing while nursing! haha!! Best time to read blogs! :-) I also check email and blogs via my phone a lot...convenient way to pass the time!!

Nicole O'Dell said...

Nice job finding things you're thankful for! I agree with Springing ahead and the soon coming warm weather--we need it!

KUTGW on the perfect attendance, Emma!

Happy Thanksgiving Thursday!

Cheryl Lage said...

SO much of your list inspires me...but I think I am really going to commit to doing #8, too!