Wednesday, January 28, 2009

WordFul Wednesdays

Wordful Wednesdays is a post where we can talk about something we can't stop talking about whether it be a specific subject or a picture.

My Wordful Wednesday this week is about routine. I cannot say enough about routine. Last week for me was great in a lot of ways. It was simplified, I didn't loose my cool too many times, and there was a calmness throughout the house. I loved knowing that the big things were done and I didn't have to rush to get other things done.

The bad part is that I didn't have time to blog, I didn't get laundry put away although it was washed, and I didn't go out aside from bringing and picking Emma up from school. That was not good.

Then comes Saturday and we were out with my husband also, ALL DAY. It killed the entire routine. Not only did I still have to come home and cook dinner cause Lou was starving no one got up to bed until after 9:00. No one got a bath, the kitchen didn't get set up for Sunday, and I didn't make Lou any food to take to work the next day. Which right off the bat means now Sunday is going to start screwed up.. which led to a screwed up Monday and here we are at Tuesday and it's all still screwy. I'm hoping to get back on track tomorrow.

Does anyone have any advice on how to not be so rigid and to add a few more things to the routine? I am really on my own. My husband does not cook, clean or take care of kids so the brunt of it all is on me, he goes to work and will do grocery shopping. I need more hours in the day!

To play along with Wordful Wednesday, visit Angie at:

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