Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Way Back Whensdays

Way Back Whensday is where we get to show a picture or tell a story from way back. Lately with Face Book, I've been spending a lot of time in "way back". I found so many pictures of myself as a child (I wish I knew where the rest of them were). I also started looking through pictures of when Emma & Kailee were little. I am still in awe of how fast time goes by, and I wish that I could slow it down.

My picture for this week's Way Back Whensday is this picture that was taken of Emma after her first bath. It was taken on June 30, 2004.
She was so little! I couldn't wait for all of her "firsts". I was in such a hurry, and now it's gone. I wish time would slow down! We are approaching her first day of Kindergarten. It is incredible how fast time goes by. She was so little here, and I didn't know any better than to just enjoy and embrace it. Now we have full conversations, and she has become so independent, she takes a shower all by herself, she even asked me to leave the bathroom and close the door the other night, I was speechless!
For more Way Back Whensday's please visit:

1 comment:

Cheryl Lage said...

Awww what a wondrous picture!

Thanks so much for playing along with Way Back When-esday...hope you will often! :)