Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Way Back Whensday

Way Back Whensday is about posting a picture or telling a story from way back that means something to you. Here's my picture for this week, wihch also happens to be my first Way Back Whensday post.

This pictures ties in with my picture from my Wordful Wednesday post (check out
Wordful Wednesday, to play along ). This is the first time held Kailee. She was only 14 months old and didn't know any better. When I first walked in the door with Kailee in the car seat carrier, Emma started shaking her head NO. She was telling me that she did not want this new person in her house on her turf. Once we took her out though, there was no stopping Emma from taking care of her.

She couldn't wait to hold her and love her, and even at that young age try to dress her and change her. She sang the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to her every chance she got, and she could hardly sing it herself at that age, it was too precious. I have that on video but 4.5 years ago videos weren't made to go on line so I can't share that. This picture brings back so many memories and the bond that was created that day, is incredible strong today. They are best friends, always together, playing, sharing and of course arguing and fighting.

I try my hardest to stay out of their arguments, it's between them and I want them to understand that they have to work it out amongst themselves. Sisterhood is a bond that is incredible and they have to work on it together. I am so excited to watch it grow and change and grow some more!

If you'd like to participate in Way-Back Whenesday, visit Cheryl at:

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