Monday, January 5, 2009

6 Weeks (and a few days)

Well it was back to the routine today (thankfully). Emma woke up so excited it was like the very first day of school all over again. It really felt good to have a purpose for getting up and getting out.

We had a nice vacation, although we stayed home it was still nice and quiet and it felt good to not have to go anywhere. I did realize though that the older girls are so used to having seperate time that it was rough on them to be toghether all day long.

We booked the Christening (took care of all the paper work for church), ordered the cake and invitations and as of the time I am writing this we are still the only baby scheduled to be baptized on February 8th, which will be a treat for us, since we had to wait in very long lines for both Emma & Kailee.

Saturday was Gabrielle's 6th week. I cannot believe how time is flying and she is changing so much, she is so big! It's very noticeable even to me and I don't spend anytime away from her.

This afternoon we were having some quiet nursing time and she was drifting off, so I shifted her and she smiled, and then she GIGGLED!! It was such a precious sound, I loved it, then I was treated to another smile! It was enough to help get through the rest of the night in which she hsa been screaming! Oh well!

I will download and add an updated picture tomorrow.

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