Wednesday, January 14, 2009

P is for ....

Nicole at What a Trip! challenged me to come up with a list of ten of my favorite things that start with the letter "P". (She had to do "T".) It was harder than I thought and took some time, but here it goes, there is no specific order.

  1. Pink! It is the color that describes my world (and my blog). It represents my beautiful girls.
  2. Pictures. I couldn't live without my pictures. There is no better way to be able to look back and remember. Emma seems to have my love of taking pictures also, she is always using my camera (and very well I might add).
  3. Trop.icana Peach Orchard Jucie a/k/a Punch Juice - Emma's new favorite. We can't keep it in the house long enough.
  4. Pancackes. The girls favorite food. Our go-to survival for them to eat something.
  5. Peace and quiet. I've learned to savor it, it's very rare and when it happens, it's amazing.
  6. Playtime. I love watching and listening to the girls play together, it's amazing. I hope they are always content to play together.
  7. Preshool. I have seen Emma grow so much, and it's been great for me to. I have a reason to get up and get out, and I've made friends.
  8. Pillows. There are more pillows on my bed and in my house then there is room for them. I LOVE pillows. There is never enough of them. They are a huge sorce of comfort to me.
  9. Purpose. I have a greater purpose. I don't just have to get up and go to work. I have to care for, look after and being responsible for three people.
  10. Pajamas. My favorite article of clothing. I wish I could wear them 24/7! The girls also have my love of PJ's, they have two drawers full. There is nothing more comforting that PJ's and a pillow!!

Thanks Nicole for letting me play along! If anyone else would like to play, please leave me a comment asking for a letter, if you don't want to play, of course you can still leave a comment!

1 comment:

Nicole O'Dell said...

Great list! I love my pj's too...and sometimes I DO wear them 24/7!

Thanks for playing!!