Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I skipped this post last week because I was having a really hard time coming up with something I was thankful for, let alone 10 things. I don't like feeling this way and I'm determined to post this week, I'm not sure if I can come up with 10 but I'm going to do my best to come up with something.

  1. My own determination. Without it I'd be lost. I have no choice but to do what needs to be done, and instead of complaining about it, I'm going to embrace it.

  2. A new day. Sometimes I wake up dreading it, and just wanting to sleep and not get out of bed, but I am thankful that I have a new day to dread.

  3. A good report from Emma's teacher. I had my first ever parent-teacher conference. Okay, it was for pre-school but it was still a first. It showed me that she is a good girl when she is not in my company which in turn means I have done a good job in raising her thus far.
  4. A brave Kailee. She tried new food last night. She ate sausage, peppers and broccoli bake! She ate all the sausage, tasted the peppers and the broccoli. Either way I'll take it!
  5. A productive morning. So far this morning in the two hours that Emma has been in school, I cleaned the stove and the oven, squeezed juice out of 11 oranges that Dad sent from Florida, made orange cup cakes, cleaned and decorated the windows, prepared the art supplies for Emma's Valentine School Project and I have a few more things I want to do before resting this afternoon. I'm on a roll.
  6. Friends who understand.
  7. Healthy children.
  8. A husband who gets up and goes to work everyday without complaining.

That's my list for this Thursday. For more Thankful Thursday posts or help in creating your own, please visit Nicole at What a Trip!


Cheryl Lage said...

You have great cause for thankfulness, and have reminded me of some reasons I have to be thankful! Have a great afternoon!

Lori said...

Thank you so much Cheryl!

Nicole O'Dell said...

What a wonderful list! I'm so glad you're having a good week and WOW that was a productive morning!

Thanks for joining in!