Sunday, January 25, 2009

Catching Up

It was a great week for me. I found a routine that works, the only problem is, changing the routine, I don't react well to that and it throws everything off, which in turn takes me a day or two to get back on track.

The other problem with the routine is that I need to add more things to it, because I'm still not accomplishing everything I need to do. I need a nap during the day and that takes up time, but if I don't nap I'm so exhausted which also does not help to accomplish anything. Sometimes I also feel that I spend more time doing responsible stuff that when I do take time out to do something for myself it takes away from the other stuff.

I am overwhelmed with laundry! It's never done, if the washing machine and dryer are empty, that means that there are at least 4 baskets of clothes to be folded and put away which is worse than the actual sorting and washing. By the time it's all put away, the hamper is full again!

I have pumping down pat, I am able to pump at least once a day, I'm going to try to add one more to that and see what happens, but as of right now I have a good supply in the freezer and I am able to give Gab a bottle and possibly leave her and go out, aah to dream!

Last week Gabrielle turned 2 months old. Time goes way to fast, it's so out of control and if I had one super power it would be to slow the clock down a bit, I am cherishing every moment of her newborn stage because I know this time around how valuable it is.

I have a great cooking schedule now (I could use some new reciepes/suggestions, the same old thing is getting boring) also, I come home while Emma is in school, prepare my meal and clean up something around the house, then I just pop dinner in the oven when Lou is half way home. The only problem is the fact that Lou and I are eating at 7:30/8:00 and clean up is near 9:00, which is exhausting. Emma and Kailee even went upstairs and put themselves to sleep two nights this week because they were just to tired and didn't want to wait for us to come up and tuck them in.

Kailee had a strange week. It seems that we took several steps forward at the beginning of the week, she is now dressing herself completely, from shirt to socks and shoes, and jacket, she is even able to completely unzip her coat when we come home. I have given her nothing but positive reinforcement, and I am working really hard on my patience with her. Oddly enough though by the end of the week, she was putting her shoes on the wrong feet again, and was forgetting how to get dressed, and she was putting her coat on upside down. Super frustrating! We even had poop issues again, 4 days without going, and needing a suppository, but I am proud to say that she never once asked for a diaper and we dealt with it, and she did finally go, I need to speak to my new doctor because the stress of the bathroom situation is no good for either of us.

We have her evaluation meeting on February 6th, I'm hoping that through this meeting we will find out what kind of occupational therapy she is going to receive and how often, I am also hoping for some advice/counseling for myself so I know how to deal with her and help her when we are both frustrated.

Tuesday was the day that Emma was "pre" registered for Kindergarten, it's a two step process because nothing is simple. We had to go with proof of address and birth and fill out the application, then we get an appointment to come back with proof of address again, and fill out more forms. Kindergarten is full day, that blows my mind. I can't imagine being away from her for all those hours, and I think it's going to be a huge adjustment for her, going from 2.5 hours a day to going to 6 hours, it's a big jump. I'm worried about her eating lunch in school, she is so picky, I'm worried about her having to use the bathroom. It's going to be a new school with a new teacher, and new children, aside from that she is going to go from having 12 classmates to double that, from two teachers to one teacher. It's so incredibly overwhelming for ME.

Tuesday also brought us a new president. I didn't think it would effect me, but I have to say that I swept up and blown away. My daughters were also intrigued and that was incredible to me also. I hope as does everyone else, that this is the change and boost we all need.

Gabrielle has started wrinkling her nose this week, smiling and cooing. I LOVE it! This is why I want more babies, there is nothing like it in the world, it's the best. All of it, even the bad hard scary days!

Some pictures. I also promise to be a better blogger this week!

1 comment:

Nicole O'Dell said...

Great update! I think your schedule sounds great. I wish I was better about cooking--so does my family!

The pictures are adorable!