Friday, February 27, 2009

Finished For Friday - Emma Edition

Even though it's vacation time over at litandlaundry, I couldn't help but post my Finished for Friday project this week. I have to admit that knowing I would be able to post this today, MADE me start and complete this project last night, even though it didn't need to be done until next week!

Emma was given a project to create a mobile out of a Fairy Tale. She picked The Brave Little Tailor (Disney Version, my book which has to be about 20 plus years old). So, we scanned the book, the important parts of the book which tells the story, and then we printed them out, and cut them. We added to holes to each pictures, and then holes to a paper plate, and strung each picture around the plate with yarn. It came adorable!!

In addition we sent the book to school today since it's not a very common fairy tale, and the teacher read it to the class!

Check out Lit & Laundry for more Finished For Friday's when she's back from vacation!

Kailee's OT

Yesterday was Kailee's first OT class. It was fantastic. Timing worked out well also, of course it helps when you have friends that pitch in, thanks Christine :)!

Needless to say the best sign was when we were told that her teacher is going to be Miss Michelle!! Does it get any more meant to be?!??!

We had a few minutes of discussing my issues and what my concerns are and those were all noted and taken into consideration. 20 minutes later out that came, Kai was made that it was over, but the teacher said it went well and that they will work together and over time it will all come together.

I am so happy. Kailee can't wait for her next class on Tuesday.

On a side note, pre-k applications come out on Friday, and I need to register her for big girl school :(.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thumb Sucker?!?!?!

Well Gabby is a thumb sucker. I've been hoping and praying for it to not be true, but time and time again she has found her thumb. Today in the mall it was her favorite thing, she even fell asleep.

She enjoyed the mall today, I figured she'd be starving since it had been 5 hours from when we last nursed by the time we sat down to lunch, but she was so intrigued with her surroundings that she wanted to see what was going on, I had to convince her to eat.
We had a nice couple of hours out and they were needed. I got her a couple of things from's Place, and went to the G.ap but no luck there, and Gym.boree was another joke, they actually wanted $38.50 for a dress in 6-12 months!!!!

Here are some picutres from the past week. I just emptied the camera and couldn't believe that there were 94 pictures on it (but I won't post that many :P)

Smiling at Mommy:

My beautiful big girl:

Checking out her pictures on the computer:

Time with big sister Kailee:

Naptime in the swing:

The other night, Emma & Kailee went upstairs to watch tv in our room, and fell asleep before we could get up there, I went up put Gabrielle down on the bed to get the girls' beds ready for them, and when I got back in my room this is what I saw:

By the time I got Emma & Kailee in their own beds, Gabby was quite comfy:

Sitting on the couch, before falling over:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Finished For Friday

Well I have been trying for a week and a half already to blog about Gabrielle's Christening. I want to do things the right way and sometimes that makes it more difficult, I have a picture in my mind as to how I want things to look and then sometimes have a very hard time making them real.

Aside from that I am new to blogging and am still trying to figure things out and I'm sure that thee is an easier way to add pictures to my posts and all that but until I get better at it, it takes me a while. Add three sick kids to the mix this week and well, blogging had to take a back seat.

This morning I woke up DETERMINED!! And, finally, the post has been made and if I do say so myself, looks pretty darn good! I'd love for you to check it out if you haven't already!

To see what other's have accomplished this week or to add your own accomplishment please visit:

Gabrielle Michelle's Christening - Picture HEAVY!!

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We baptized Gabby on Sunday, February 8th. We were blessed with a beautiful warm February day, which is a truly rare thing here. I couldn't have asked for a better situation. I was prepared for a freezing cold day and possibly snow. Needless to say we were super lucky!

Aunt Michelle & Chris got here nice and early so we were able to open her presents and take our time getting her dressed. She got a nice bath, then we nursed and started getting dressed.

Here is her beautiful ensamble all layed out before we dressed her. The dress started with me 37 years ago in 1972, then Emma in 2004, and Kailee in 2005, and now Gabrielle in 2009. It is amazing they do not make dresses like that anymore. Sadly the pictures do not do it justice. I asked my mother if she had any pictures of me wearing it because I want to put each of us in a frame wearing the dress.

And of course here are Emma & Kailee's beautiful dresses. They were both so sweet, Kailee carried her own pocketbook (which came in handy later, when everyone felt obligated to put money in it, thank you all!), and Emma brought her own camera and took pictures!!

Kailee & Emma's outfits:

Michelle & Chris did a beautiful job getting her dressed. She cried a bit but they got the job done, and then they put her cross on and Munya added her new bracelet.

With baptizing Emma and Kailee previously we had more than 10 babies at the same time and being blessed with a last name that starts with a V we are always last and it was very uncomfortable and rushed. This time was so much better, and this time we were first!

It was a great ceremony very relaxed. Emma and Kailee were SO GOOD!! They did not need to be told to be quiet or sit still or anything. They were amazing. Gabby cried for most of the ceremony, but I held her and sang to her and quieted her down and she then slept through the actual baptism which was fine.

After church we headed to a great Italian restaurant for a wonderful supper. It was absolutely fantastic. Great food, great company, great family and friends. Again Emma and Kailee were truly fantastic. They had they best time and were superbly behaved I was amazed.

Aunt Carol & Gabby:

Aunt Amy & Uncle Vin:
Our delicious cake:
Godparents & Parents:
These are the beautiful favors that were left in the car. I am so bummed that I forgot to give them out personally. I have since mailed them with everyone's thank you cards. I hope you all enjoy them.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday

Okay, so it's late but it's still Thursday!

  1. Mid-winter recess. I needed this week so badly, I had high hopes for accomplishing things around the house, but instead, all three girls and Lou got sick. It was okay, we didn't have to go out, so that made it easier.
  2. Emma still has perfect attendence! Since she got sick on Friday which was the last day of school, she will be fine to go back on Monday. Isn't that insane that I think that's important for pre-school?
  3. Gabby's baby swing. I was able to cook, clean, do paper work and type with two hands!! Even though Kailee has gotten in more trouble since it's out cause she either has to stop it from swinging or swing it harder, so frustrating.
  4. Free Cycle. It's the best!! We have a microwave again, and Lou is on his way to pick up a great toy box and file cabinet. If you don't know what it is you should check it out, each neighborhood has it's own site. Check out:

I think that's about it for this week. For more Thanksgiving Thursdays or to play along yourself, visit Nicole at What a Trip!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blog Help

I am so behind on updating, but typing with one hand is the pits! Also, since I am still fairly new to this, I'm having some troubles with my page layouts and adding pictures. Is there any other way to add pictures but uploading them and having them all dumped at the top of the post and then having to drag them around and move them to where I want them? It seems like a lot of work and it becomes time consuming and frustrating! I have seen some great new designs and I want to change mine also, but I don't know how, as well as creating a "button", I wish I was better at this stuff! If anyone can offer some advice I'd greatly appreciate it.

On another note. Kailee is feeling better. Emma is not she is not eating at all and is very tired, her cough is making her stomach hurt and she just wants to rest, so that's what I'm letting her do, if it continues I'll consult with the doctor again on Friday.

Gabby had to go for her first sick visit yesterday. She woke up with fever and a terrible cough, her entire voice is gone and I didn't get as much as a smirk from her in 48 hours! Today she is better, I'm sure throwing up all over me - TWICE - helped clean out some of her congestion! Motherhood is so glamorous! Aside from that, I had her weighed, and she is now 11.4 pounds (was 9.11 on 1/9) and grew an entire inch to 22 inches!

Here's a picture of her looking at her new Minnie Mouse from Disney Land, sent from Karla, Lou & Nicholas. Papa brought her back a pink rattle from Disney World with Minnie Mouse also but she can't hold it yet, although she's working on it!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Okay, so last Friday - February 6th, we had our meeting about Kailee receiving OT. Lou took the day off and my mom came with us also. It worked out better than we could have expected. It only took about 1/2 hour which was great also.

Kailee was okayed for General Education with related services, which is fantastic. That means she will go to school next year in the same school as Emma for Pre-K but she will recieve the added help that she needs.

She is going to receive OT for gross/fine motor skills. I am so relieved!! She was approved for 1/2 two times per week for 1 year! Her progress will be followed and re-evaluated as necessary. I'm so happy. I was also able to find a place for her to go not at all far from the house but the hours are going to be a bit stressful. She will go on Tuesdays from 8:30-9:00, and in between that I have to drop Emma off at school, and on Thursdays she is going to go from 9:00-9:30, the schedule will change in July. I'm concerned about the Tuesday class becasue I need to have Emma at school at 8:45, if Kai needs me for any reason Emma will be late. All I can do is try it out, these are the only available times at this center.

If I am not comfortable with the times I will ask for another time or I will change centers, all I can do is have an open mind. Kailee is not looking forward to going, and I'm surprised becasue she has wanted to go to school for so long since Emma started, but again, only time will tell!

Lots Going On

Okay, so I know that I still owe a post on Gabby's Christening, which now has already been a week ago. I promise I am working on it. Thanks to Nicole being a great photographer/videographer we have lots of pictures and video's to sift through and post. Michelle has been great with emailing me the pictures from her camera and since I have the video and she has the photo's I am waiting to have the pictures so I can add them to my post and too facebook.

This past week was crazy. Thursday was no school for Emma and it was supposed to be the first day of OT for Kailee (another update post I owe), and sadly Kai woke up at 5:30 got in my bed, I went to hold her hand and felt that she was on fire, only to find out that my thermometer had no batteries. Lo and behold though I gave her some Tylenol and put her back to bed. Called the doctor and ran her over there. She has a badly red throat and ears. Got home and spent the rest of the day telling her to calm down while she ate, played and made me thankfully crazy.

Friday was another day all together. Kailee was so sick she could not even stand up, fever and all, then add throwing up to the mix. I had to drag her out to bring Emma to and from school. I felt so bad for her, I had to carry her to and from the car and up the stairs. She got on the couch, threw up and slept from Noon -4. She got up for a bit took some more meds had some juice, threw up again and slept the rest of the day.

Emma made it without missing school. After she took a nap on Friday afternoon, I knew her turn was not far behind. By Friday night she was out of it, called and got the same antibiotics for her. Saturday morning she woke up and it was her turn to not be able to move. She laid on the couch and in my bed ALL DAY. By 8:00 she had 104 fever, off to the shower we go. By the time Lou left for work at 9:00 the fever was down to 101, and it was 101 again at 4:00 in the morning. Thankfully by the time they got up yesterday at 8:00 fevers were gone and they were both better. Kailee is back to eating and talking and making up for Friday.

Saturday Lou started feeling sick, yesterday him and I were awful. He was sleeping at 8:00, I stayed up because my stomach was killing me and Gabby had started coughing. Lucky Me! So now it's Monday and I called the doctor again for Gab, she is coughing pretty bad for a 12 week old, he told me to give her 1 cc of Robitussin every 3-4 hours, and as long as she has no fever and is nursing we are okay. So that's the plan.

My house is worse than normal, when the kids get sick it seems as if the house gets worse by itself, and the laundry is incredible, especially when there is throwing up involved. I was just able to clean up some of the kitchen (2 of 4 counters) which meant I dumped everything on my nicely cleaned off table, and started the laundry. It never ever ends, so please forgive me for my lack of updates just for another day or so!

Menu Plan Monday

I'm so excited! I just found this great blog This is something that I started doing a few weeks ago. I usually plan my meals on Friday, and then Lou goes shopping on Saturday. It makes the week so much easier. I am not rigid on what day we what specifically cause I have to see how I feel that day, but it's great to have a plan for the week.

This site is so cool, cause there are tons of others who are doing the same thing! Please check it out!

Anyway, here is my first Menu Plan Monday post!

Monday: Sandwiches (Lou's working tonight)
Tuesday: Pears & Goat Cheese Salad (Lou's working again)
Wednesday: Saugsage & Peppers, broccoli bake and mac and cheese
Thursday: Fajita's and Quessidillas
Friday: English Muffin Pizza
Saturday: Pasta with Fresh Tomatoes, mozzerella, galic and basil
Sunday: Left Overs (Lou works)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday

It's Thansgiving Thursday! Here's my list for the week.

  1. A rare 60 degree day in February. Yesterday was gorgeous, we even went to the tennis courts and enjoyed some out door time.
  2. Even though Kailee is sick today, she is still smiling and playing.
  3. A day off from school that was planned, after a night when on one slept.
  4. A pediatrician who calls back right away even late at night.
  5. Knowing that I did all I was supposed to do before the doctor told me to do it.
  6. A warm snuggly bed with three little princesses to snuggle with.
  7. Emma. She is so helpful and always keeps me calm.
  8. A long nap from Gabrielle yesterday, I was able to get so much done!

That's my list for this week, it's a little blah, but I seriously was up all night. Gabrielle had an allergic reaction to something on Lou's clothes last night and broke out in hives, her entire body (save her face) was C O V E R E D!!! Happend again this morning. Then the day started at 5:00 with Kailee and a high fever. We are all exhausted and looking forward to a group nap very shortly!

To see more Thanksgiving Thursdays or to play along yourself, visit Nicole at What a Trip!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wordful and Way-Back When-sday

I am going to combine my Way-back Whensday and Wordful Wednesday posts this week, because they go together for me.

This past Sunday was Gabrielle's christening, since this is the third baby I have been blessed to christen I am a pro and was really excited, calm and enjoyed it. (I will add more pictures and a separate post all together about the Christening later on).

Anyway, my first picture was taken at Emma's Christening on August 22, 2004. This is a family picture, with my parents, my sister and her husband. It's special because it was the first picture we took as a family in many, many years. It was not the most comfortable photo taken but my parents were good sports and posed with us. I treasure this picture!

This picture was taken almost 5 years later, on Sunday, February 8, 2009, at Gabrielle's Christening. Another great family photo. This one was easier to take and I think even the expressions on all of our faces seem more relaxed. There is nothing like children to bring a family together. The next one will be taken when Michelle has the twinkies! Does anyone have a wide lens? This family started out with four of us and it keeps growing and growing and growing! I love it!

To play along with Wordful Wednesday, visit Angie and if you'd like to participate in Way-Back Whenesday, visit Cheryl.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Makes My Monday - Pizza Lunch

Every Monday before dancing school, the girls and I and sometimes Lou have lunch at the pizzeria. I was so not in the mood for it today. I tried to avoid it, but it was a nagging inside of me that could not, not do it. We've done it every week since September. It's become "our thing" and at least I know that my picky eaters will eat something, and eat all of it.

Needless to say, today was the best pizza Monday for us. Why? Not sure exactly, but the girls and I had such a great conversation. There was no yelling, no whining, no crying. The only thing that happened was conversation!! Real true interesting conversation. It was simple really, for 45 minutes we just sat there and took turns telling each other what kinds of foods we liked and disliked. It was great. Emma told me that when she turns 5 she promises she will like all the foods she doesn't like now. Should I hold my breathe?

For more Makes My Monday visit Cheryl at Twinfatuation.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Silly Picture!! - I ♥ Faces Contest

This week's contest category at is silly. I knew right away I had to enter another picture of Kailee this week. This picture was taken in the summer of 2007, just before she turned 2. She always made this funny silly smile that never fails still till this day to crack me up! We usedto say "Kai, do it." And, this is what I would get in return!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Catching Up

Well another crazy cold week is behind us. Thank God! This was an okay week. Not much sleep for Gabrielle and I. I stayed home on Monday and Tuesday, I even skipped out on taking the girls to dance since Lou was home, I took advantage of it, and cleaned the kitchen while they bigger girls were out.

It's been so cold and we had another marathon event of getting everyone in the car and buckled on Wednesday when both passenger side doors were frozen shut, yet again. This is insane and I'm killing my back by climbing over seats, but I am determined to get Emma to school, and that's the price we have to pay.

On Wednesday Gabrielle was so cranky, all day long, all she did was nurse. I'm exhausted. In a rare break from nursing that day, I asked Emma to make her laugh, not thinking it would happen, but it did! Emma was the first person to actually make her laugh out loud, several times! It was so funny. Of course it hasn't happened again since but it was great to see. That was the beginning of bonding for them, in my opinion. I also have noticed that Gabrielle is straining herself to see where her sisters are when she's hears their voices, it's so cute.

Gabrielle also had some good play gym time this week without crying, she also was able to scoot herself all the way off of it and onto the carpet, she doesn't stay still, she's been trying to turn over from back to belly for a couple of weeks already. She wants in on the action!

I can't believe 11 weeks have past since she was born, and Sunday is Christening day. We have a busy day today, we have Kailee's evaluation meeting and will find out what type of early intervention O.T. she will recieve. I wonder where this path will lead us. Munya is coming with us. Papa is back from Florida, so we will see him tomorrow. The girls can't wait.

And of course this week brought the great news that Aunt Meshell's twins are a boy and a girl. I'm so beyond excited to have a niece and a nephew and a God-daughter! I am forever blessed with girls in my life! I can't wait for sleepovers with all the girl cousins later down the road. I'm sure it's going to take a long time for Michelle to share those babies with me over night, I will gladly patiently wait! Emma & Kailee are sleeping over her house next Friday!

I'll update again after the Christening!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday

  1. The ability to maneuver myself to climb over the front seats of my car, carry the baby carrier, pass Emma & Kailee over the seats and buckle everyone in safely, because the passenger side doors are frozen shut and won't open, with 3 minutes to get to school.
  2. Good friends, who allow me to just pull up in the parking lot of school, take Emma out of the car for me and walk her into and out of school, so I never have to get out of the car and walk Gabrielle & Emma up the hill in the freezing cold.
  3. An empty dishwasher and an empty sink. Doesn't happen very often but when it does, I'm amazed.
  4. Blogging Community. It is so nice to read about other people in the same situation, and know that I am not alone.
  5. A good book. The sense of peace it brings, gives me the strength to take care of the other stuff.
  6. Time. Wether it be not enough or too much, at least we have it.
  7. A lucky break. Last night Kailee slammed her head into the wall, and Emma slammed her finger in the dresser drawer. Luckily they were both cured with hugs, kisses, and boo bunnies filled with ice cubes.
  8. A niece & a nephew at the same time. I went from having none to being blessed with both. I am counting the days until they are here.
  9. My girls. They drive me crazy but I love them so much.
  10. A house to live in for however long we can, at least for today we are here.

To see more Thanksgiving Thursdays or to play along yourself, visit Nicole at What a Trip!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Photo Contest

I love taking pictures and entering contests. I'm so glad I found this link. Thanks to Nicole at What a Trip! . This week's theme is "the eyes have it". Click on the link above to enter your own photo! My photo was taken of Kailee in the summer of 2007. I can't believe how much she's grown and how much she looks like Aunt MeShell when she was younger, at least in my opinion!

Please also be sure to go check out all the beautiful faces at!