Monday, February 16, 2009

Lots Going On

Okay, so I know that I still owe a post on Gabby's Christening, which now has already been a week ago. I promise I am working on it. Thanks to Nicole being a great photographer/videographer we have lots of pictures and video's to sift through and post. Michelle has been great with emailing me the pictures from her camera and since I have the video and she has the photo's I am waiting to have the pictures so I can add them to my post and too facebook.

This past week was crazy. Thursday was no school for Emma and it was supposed to be the first day of OT for Kailee (another update post I owe), and sadly Kai woke up at 5:30 got in my bed, I went to hold her hand and felt that she was on fire, only to find out that my thermometer had no batteries. Lo and behold though I gave her some Tylenol and put her back to bed. Called the doctor and ran her over there. She has a badly red throat and ears. Got home and spent the rest of the day telling her to calm down while she ate, played and made me thankfully crazy.

Friday was another day all together. Kailee was so sick she could not even stand up, fever and all, then add throwing up to the mix. I had to drag her out to bring Emma to and from school. I felt so bad for her, I had to carry her to and from the car and up the stairs. She got on the couch, threw up and slept from Noon -4. She got up for a bit took some more meds had some juice, threw up again and slept the rest of the day.

Emma made it without missing school. After she took a nap on Friday afternoon, I knew her turn was not far behind. By Friday night she was out of it, called and got the same antibiotics for her. Saturday morning she woke up and it was her turn to not be able to move. She laid on the couch and in my bed ALL DAY. By 8:00 she had 104 fever, off to the shower we go. By the time Lou left for work at 9:00 the fever was down to 101, and it was 101 again at 4:00 in the morning. Thankfully by the time they got up yesterday at 8:00 fevers were gone and they were both better. Kailee is back to eating and talking and making up for Friday.

Saturday Lou started feeling sick, yesterday him and I were awful. He was sleeping at 8:00, I stayed up because my stomach was killing me and Gabby had started coughing. Lucky Me! So now it's Monday and I called the doctor again for Gab, she is coughing pretty bad for a 12 week old, he told me to give her 1 cc of Robitussin every 3-4 hours, and as long as she has no fever and is nursing we are okay. So that's the plan.

My house is worse than normal, when the kids get sick it seems as if the house gets worse by itself, and the laundry is incredible, especially when there is throwing up involved. I was just able to clean up some of the kitchen (2 of 4 counters) which meant I dumped everything on my nicely cleaned off table, and started the laundry. It never ever ends, so please forgive me for my lack of updates just for another day or so!

1 comment:

Cheryl Lage said...

Omigosh, you poor thing! This winter has been simply AWFUL with the sickie stuff going around...and you're right...exponentially worse whenever throwing up is involved.

You all take care and rest. :)