Monday, February 16, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

I'm so excited! I just found this great blog This is something that I started doing a few weeks ago. I usually plan my meals on Friday, and then Lou goes shopping on Saturday. It makes the week so much easier. I am not rigid on what day we what specifically cause I have to see how I feel that day, but it's great to have a plan for the week.

This site is so cool, cause there are tons of others who are doing the same thing! Please check it out!

Anyway, here is my first Menu Plan Monday post!

Monday: Sandwiches (Lou's working tonight)
Tuesday: Pears & Goat Cheese Salad (Lou's working again)
Wednesday: Saugsage & Peppers, broccoli bake and mac and cheese
Thursday: Fajita's and Quessidillas
Friday: English Muffin Pizza
Saturday: Pasta with Fresh Tomatoes, mozzerella, galic and basil
Sunday: Left Overs (Lou works)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Welcome to MPM!
Pears & Goat Cheese Salad...sounds divine. I can't get anyone here to eat anything like that, such a bummer. Enjoy them! ;)