Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday

Okay, so it's late but it's still Thursday!

  1. Mid-winter recess. I needed this week so badly, I had high hopes for accomplishing things around the house, but instead, all three girls and Lou got sick. It was okay, we didn't have to go out, so that made it easier.
  2. Emma still has perfect attendence! Since she got sick on Friday which was the last day of school, she will be fine to go back on Monday. Isn't that insane that I think that's important for pre-school?
  3. Gabby's baby swing. I was able to cook, clean, do paper work and type with two hands!! Even though Kailee has gotten in more trouble since it's out cause she either has to stop it from swinging or swing it harder, so frustrating.
  4. Free Cycle. It's the best!! We have a microwave again, and Lou is on his way to pick up a great toy box and file cabinet. If you don't know what it is you should check it out, each neighborhood has it's own site. Check out:

I think that's about it for this week. For more Thanksgiving Thursdays or to play along yourself, visit Nicole at What a Trip!

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