Friday, February 27, 2009

Finished For Friday - Emma Edition

Even though it's vacation time over at litandlaundry, I couldn't help but post my Finished for Friday project this week. I have to admit that knowing I would be able to post this today, MADE me start and complete this project last night, even though it didn't need to be done until next week!

Emma was given a project to create a mobile out of a Fairy Tale. She picked The Brave Little Tailor (Disney Version, my book which has to be about 20 plus years old). So, we scanned the book, the important parts of the book which tells the story, and then we printed them out, and cut them. We added to holes to each pictures, and then holes to a paper plate, and strung each picture around the plate with yarn. It came adorable!!

In addition we sent the book to school today since it's not a very common fairy tale, and the teacher read it to the class!

Check out Lit & Laundry for more Finished For Friday's when she's back from vacation!

1 comment:

Michelle Cleary said...

Emma I would love to read this story with you. It looks like you did a really good job on your project.